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  1. S

    Help with nutes!!

    Brown and yellow spots in the middle of the leave is to much nutrients. not enough would be the tips losing color fading out.
  2. S

    A few questions

    Oh man don't worry about it, i appreciate anyones information! Personal experience is the best which is what you have going on right now! Eh, even with 2 - 3 weeks to resume veg, it will end up having more growing time outside than it would in. I know anything can happen, but appreciate your...
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    A few questions

    What would happen if i put some plants outside, that are 3 weeks old.. It's just now hitting spring time, so its pretty much a 12/12 cycle. but in 3 or 4 weeks it will be at least 16/8. So basically they would endure 12/12 light cycle for 3 or 4 weeks before summer and 18/6 cycle starts. Would...
  4. S

    What would happen if..

    What would happen if i put some plants outside, that are 3 week old.. and its jsut hitting spring, so its pretty much a 12/12 cycle. but in 3 or 4 weeks it will be at least 16/8. Would they show their sex during the 12/12 three weeks and then turn back to vegging? Or would they keep flowering...
  5. S

    Are grow boxes worth it? Should I get one?

    Dude cut me a break, its not like i don't respect my parents. Every day i toss and turn the idea of throwing them away but im sick and tired of smoking shitty weed. Not once have i smoked any kind of chronic, kush, sativa anything pure.. and actually natural. I've smoked shitty formaldehyde weed...
  6. S

    Are grow boxes worth it? Should I get one?

    Hey everyone. Ive been contemplating getting one for a few weeks now, i just can't push myself over the edge to buy one.. Although I know I really should, because just one time is all it takes for my parents to walk around the other side of my bed. But in general, a box thats small, compact...
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    First Grow, Now Flowering and Getting Worried - Root bound? Hermie? Nut Burn? Pics!

    I don't think the leave tips are from over feeding.. I think I read somewhere that the leaves losing their color like that could be a nitrogen deficient. but only if it starts at the bottom (oldest) leaves and works its way up draining the leaves for energy / N.
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    Training/topping methods

    Okay great! Thanks so much for your input! Nice post count as well! Bravo. General comments welcome.
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    Training/topping methods

    Hey everyone.. so after reading here for a few days about all these methods.. Like uncle bens topping method and LST.. I just want to clarify a few things.. So.. Uncle bens topping method is to make your plant 'fuller' and depending on which node you top it at, produce two or four colas. Right...
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    Help: 12v Cpu Fan - Power?

    The link at the top explained it to people familiar with this stuff. im clueless. My old cell phone charger says output: 5.0 V = 800mA Does that mean I can't use it?
  11. S

    over fert, dont know much please help

    Nice lights if this is your first time. Lol.
  12. S

    2 week old yellow leaves

    Bidump de bump.
  13. S

    2 week old yellow leaves

    Yeah.. It probably was burned, I thought so, just wanted to clarify. I've read a lot that Sylvanias weren't worth a shit but that was before the fact I bought one.. Anyways.. I have a couple more questions if your still here. Should I cut the brown part off of them? Okay so manure is acidic, but...
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    2 week old yellow leaves

    Oh and if you want to take it even more literal, the box thats holding the plants.. is the bottom half of the Halo Reach legendary edition Gotta love Halo!
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    2 week old yellow leaves

    Oh and yeah their jiffy pots probably one gallon. I put soil in them from organic cow manure/compost
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    2 week old yellow leaves

    Yeah.... Kind of forgot to mention I haven't bought one of those yet.. :l
  17. S

    2 week old yellow leaves

    Hi everyone. I have a few growing and all are fine except one. I've given them diluted 10-10-10 nutes and they all did well, except the one I'm speaking of, the inside of its leaves received white/yellow/brown markings on its bottom leaves from the nutes so i stopped giving that one nutes on the...
  18. S

    How many plants under 150w HPS?

    I would grow as many as would fit under the light span, little yields better than none haha.
  19. S

    Tranferring outside and build question

    Hey everyone. im doing this in my parents house. and not only are they getting tired of me having my door locked, because i dont even have a cabinet or closet worth it, the plants are just beside my bed on the opposite side of the door. im tired of the struggle of never being able to leave home...
  20. S

    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    Where could I get that metal thing holding all of the cfls? Does it automatically have the sockets attached with the metal thing? or did you string those in or something?