Help with nutes!!


Active Member
my plants are healthy in dwc... but r startin to get light yellowish green on some leaves.. they are on their 5 set.. is this bcuz they are not getting enough nutes? i have just been using 1/4 of nute strenght.. should i step it up to full strength now???


Well-Known Member
Can you post pictures? usually if they are turning yellow its because they are getting nutrient burn. Does your soil have nutrients in it already? what kind are you using?


Active Member
nah i can, sorry... the ones in soil are getting nutes and are looking just great.... just the ones in dwc arnt looking as good but still growing great.. the whole leaf isnt going yellow just some little shading in the middle of the leaf are like a lime green/yellow and here is the hunch i have guys.. see my ph tester wont be in til this week so iv been ph'ing with the drops.. and i think i might have gotten a little closer to 5.0 this week.. do u think that has anything to do with it? is that to acidic? also i am using advanced nutes.... get back as soon as ya pros can.. thnx for the help!


Brown and yellow spots in the middle of the leave is to much nutrients.
not enough would be the tips losing color fading out.