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    60ow hps or 400w mh

    I need to veg some plants and I have a 600 and a 400 available. The 400 is too small to cover the area I need covered sufficiently. This is only to grow mothers under. Is it better to use the MH or to use the 600w HPS because it produces more usable light?
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    I guess it is sort of a NFT. I don't mean that there is water sitting in the bottom, just that there is about 1/2" of running water along the bottom of the tubes. it's moving quick, you can see it flowing. so that it is getting recirculated all the time. I don't use hygrozyme, but I do use...
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    so I'm foliar feeding now. my ph looked like this over the past 12 hours 2AM-5.74 ppm-863 4AM-5.80 ppm-866 8:30AM-5.85 ppm-868 1:15 PM-6.00 ppm-865
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    not that i know of. it's a new system though. they were looking poorly in the old dwc system they were in. I didn't fully drain the res they were in for about 3 weeks. maybe thats what locked them up. i dunno. I don't understand why they wouldn't be bouncing back yet.
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    my ph was really stable at 5.8 until I started the feeding program on the bottle of GH. The pictures are from before there were any ph issues. but, I like your idea about foliar feeding. thanks for the help guys. i appreciate it. just so I'm clear Spark you're saying to mix up 2 batches of...
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    ok, plants are at 860ppm. ph is at 5.74. hope this works. i don't know what the meter is. here is a link to it i'm not sure what you would call my setup. it has sprayers in 4" pvc that drain into a res. the water...
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    I would love to wait a week. they were getting worse not better. no change today. a question about ph. when i mixed up the nutes my RO water was 5.33ph. when i checked it earlier today it was at 7.2ph. i have used no ph up. i put in some ph down. GH nutes at full veg. cannazym 9ml/gal...
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    i think it is a mag deficiency. changed out my nutes again. fingers crossed
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    Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

    I am desperate at this point. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. my plants seem to be getting worse. I flushed them for 36 hours with just ph'd water. Since then they have been in 65 degree oxygenated recirculating water at 5.6-5.95 ph. the ppm is 1200. I feed GH nutes at recommended...
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    Nutrient Problems? Bugs? Help!

    they have never been in a high heat environment. It's 76 in the room. I feed the on the weak side. they were getting about 950ppm. I bumped it up to 1300ppm. nothing seems to be happening. I need to figure this out. maybe I hshould back off the nutes.
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    Nutrient Problems? Bugs? Help!

    i think i am going to treat for bugs just to be safe. I went to a full strength nute solution in my new system, I guess I'll just wait and hope that it fixes the problem. I would still like to know why it happened. I'm also having this weird problem where my new room is colder than my house and...
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    Nutrient Problems? Bugs? Help!

    anyone? ideas? do i have the bugs?
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    Nutrient Problems? Bugs? Help!

    So this grow I am doing has had everything that could go wrong go wrong. But, I still have about 40 plants alive. These plants aren't looking too hot. I'm not really sure what the problem is. Ph is at 5.8. PPM is 975. temp is 68 night, 78 day. water temp is a little high at 72, but I now have...
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    Exhaust and Carbon Filter Question

    if i got a timer for the fan, is the charcoal filter still going to work?
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    Exhaust and Carbon Filter Question

    I have a 7x7x8 room with 2 600w lights in a cool tube. The room has a vent from the central air in it. I have a 720 cfm fan for the cool tube. I also have a 720 cfm fan for the charcoal filter I have that is rated at 800cfm. What is the best way to run these fans and charcoal filter. I can cut...
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    Help! I Don't Know What This Is

    i thought they weren't getting enough light. but, I didn't think that is what would happen. they are clones, but they are rooted and have been vegging for about 10 days. they are under a 400w mh. i'm gunna set up a 600 hps to give more light, see if that works.
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    Help! I Don't Know What This Is

    anyone? anything? disease? I'm going to quarantine them in the morning.
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    Help! I Don't Know What This Is

    I have some weird leaf curling on some clones. I have a dwc container with 40 plants in it. about 10 of them are showing these signs. There is also some coloring that I couldn't get to come out in the pics. Some of the leaves look almost blueish and have white on the edges. I also have one...
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    2400watt vertical grow. Super Lemon Haze and The Church`

    yeah, deep water culture. I am only doing this for mothers. I will take clones and flower in a vertical aeroponic system. Stay tuned