2400watt vertical grow. Super Lemon Haze and The Church`

Hey everyone. I have 17 plants going right now. They were all started from seed from Hemp Depot on the 25th of January. They are SLH and The Church from Greenhouse Seeds. The plants are just starting their 29th day from seed. I started them in paper towels and out of the original 20 feminized seeds, 1 didn't ever pop, 1 didn't pop out of the soil, and 1 is so fucked that I am going to pull it (it is only growing on one side-like where two leaves would grow 180 degrees apart there is only one and the leaves that do grow come out in unpredictable numbers, like 4 fingered leaves or 3 or 5-time to give it up). So this leaves me with 17. Some are looking great, some are looking good, and there are 6 that don't look so hot.

They are all under a 400w MH at the moment in DWC systems. 12 are in 6 plant rubbermaid totes and 5 are in 3.5 gallon buckets. I am using a big 110 liter per minute air pump that provides oxygen to all the systems.

They were started in papertowels, then moved to 1 inch rockwool cubes, then 3x3x4 rockwool cubes and are now in 6 inch net cups with hydroton.

The plants are being fed 400ppm Lucas method at a PH of 5.85. I also feed Liquid Karma according to bottle.

The plants will be grown another couple of weeks and then I will take clones from all of them and flower them in two rooms. Both rooms will be 6x7x8. These rooms will each have 2 600 watt HPS lamps in a 48" dual cool tube. There will be a carbon filter in each room. The exhaust will be handled by a 720 cfm exhaust fan per room pulling air through the carbon filters (which are rated at 375 cfm each) and then through the cool tubes before being exhausted from the rooms. QUESTION- Will this work? Is this a large enough fan to pull through a 375cfm carbon filter and cool 2 600 watt lights?

So, after I clone all the plants I am going to guess a little and keep 12 clones from the strongest plants and grow them into mothers, as well as keeping 2 clones of each plant going so that if there is a surprise I will still have the genetics.

My long term plan is to grow in two identical flowering rooms that each have a dual 600 watt cool tube hung vertically. These cool tubes will be surrounded by 10 6" PVC towers that will hold 6 plants each at a spacing of 12" between plant centers. The 10 towers will be fed aeroponically from one reservoir. The towers will each be independently movable, but flex tubing will connect them all together. I will be using the Lucas Method for the time being.

Some pics of the whole setup


Some pics of The Church in buckets


Some pics of my 2 favorite SLH


A pic of my rubbermaid DIY DWC system, SLH is on the top, Church is on bottom


My other DWC system. All are SLH except top right is Church. These 6 don't look nearly as good as the others, they were put into DWC 5 days after the first rubbermaid tote, 2 days after the buckets. They were always the weakest looking and slowest growing. Don't really know what the difference is, they have received the same treatment except being put in a DWC system less than a week after the first ones to go into a tote.


And one pic of a SLH that is not looking so hot


I had some humidity issues during weeks 2-3. Under 40% always, sometimes as low as 28%. I also think that I had a rockwool conditioning issue. I was having runoff from the rockwool around 7-7.2 PH. This seems to have been corrected as I do not see changes in the PH much, certainly never going over 6.1 since they have been in DWC which will be 2 weeks tomorrow.
I just got an order of 20 feminized Big Bang seeds from GreenHouse Seeds. I thought they had been lost or something. Starting 10 of them tonight. Exciting!


Active Member
Hey man update on your grow? To answer your cooling question There defiantly is going to be airflow with a fan that powerful, but i don't know if your going to get the cooling temps you desire. At worst you would just need to buy a 4 or 6 inch for intake. I buy CAP fans, 5 year warranty and allot cheaper then a vortex.....
DSC_0004.jpgDSC_0003.jpgDSC_0008.jpgDSC_0001.jpgDSC_0005.jpgDSC_0007.jpgDSC_0006.jpgDSC_0002.jpgThe girls are looking good. I will be taking clones in about 10 days. I ordered all my equipment and it should be here this week.

The Big Bang are still tiny. Seem to have streched some, having some problems standing up, might have to give them little stakes.
