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  1. T

    if all goes well with a crop is it always better to top the plant for 4 colas

    Ye prob not far from you mate haha!!! U do get idiots on here when ur looking for help pal my advice just read up before posting a thread i made the same mistake 9 times out of 10 ive found what ive been looking for without starting a thread Me to pal im in the last week of a scrog with...
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    smoking unflushed weed

    Sounds like the sprayed imported stuff i came across some a few week ago not good!
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    if all goes well with a crop is it always better to top the plant for 4 colas

    I would top pal u get more light to the lower buds! U from the uk? Had a look at your other thread on blue cheese
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    what type of yeild should I expect from 10 blue-cheese plants

    Kpw by any chance u in uk? North west by any chance thats all ppl r doing around those parts haha i rekon if u have done a few grows and know the main simple requirements of a mj plant. U should get around 25-30 oz in all but if you have a 2m by 2m tent id either put 3 lights in or 4 ac lights...
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    TT fans anyone?????

    Thanks blueballs
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    TT fans anyone?????

    So if I wanted to use them for an intake as I have an rvk 150mm exhaust what would I do? By the way the tt fans are 125mm
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    TT fans anyone?????

    Hi guys dunno if im being stupid but does anybody know if having 2 tt fans inline i.e >>>>> tt fan>>>>tt fan>>>>> or 2 seperate intake tt fans is better? I.e >>>tt fan>>>> >>>tt fan>>>>
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    100* will this effect growth?

    Yes sorry i forgot to mention i have a 6 inch intake aswell. Just wondering if its going to cause damaged if it stays like this just till the end of this week as im goin to get a better 6 inch fan a vk 1. As mines only a tt fan. And im goin to put my other 6 tt fan as another intake???
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    100* will this effect growth?

    Hi guys so we have a heat wave where i live and my grow room is just at 97* ive opened the tent doors right open and taken my filter off my exhaust to release more hot air as its running through my cooltube aswell. I have 2 oscilating fans on. I was just wondering is this going to slow growth...
  10. T

    12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??

    Maybe a simple sollution is your dark period at night? Could just be your timer my timer was faulty and just stayed on all the time but i dint realise all throught what i fort was 18/6 only because the dark hours was off at stupid oclock in the morning so i dint know lol
  11. T

    Advanced nutrients when and how much?

    Hi guys i have 4 uk cheese under 2 600w hps double cool tube under a scrog screen i have vegged for 6 weeks and am now into the first week of flower im in plagrons special bat soil. Which has enough goodness in to last around 8 weeks if you wasnt to vegge and just flower straight from clone. BUT...
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    Need help and need it fast!!! Please thankyou!!!!

    Tyke the plants look real nice and healthy so im just wondering if its just been on constent for 24hr for 6 week would i be able to tell and will this effect the stretch of them?
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    Need help and need it fast!!! Please thankyou!!!!

    Will it still be ok yes? Im just being paranoid haha it mite even of bin working but i dunno
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    Need help and need it fast!!! Please thankyou!!!!

    Ok so im doing a scrog (first time) my 4 uk cheese clones have filled my screen around 75% they have been in around 6 weeks, now ive come to switch to 12/12 i nipped in my grow room and my timer for the lights hasnt turned off so ive changed my timer but now im finking what if my timer has never...
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    2 1000 watt flower room

    Pics? Strain?
  16. T

    Anyone used AN voodoo juice!!

    Anyone used voodoo juice? And is it worth me going buying some for my vegg stage? Im doing a scrog and am around 3-4 week in now im going to veg for 6 weeks (uk cheese) im going to be using AN connoisuer for flower and shooting powder towards the end.
  17. T

    Vegging time for scrog?... :)

    I have an 5 inch intake aswell as 2 oscilating fans. Im just hoping that the 6 week veg is gona be enought because the strain i have is not really bushey