Need help and need it fast!!! Please thankyou!!!!

Ok so im doing a scrog (first time) my 4 uk cheese clones have filled my screen around 75% they have been in around 6 weeks, now ive come to switch to 12/12 i nipped in my grow room and my timer for the lights hasnt turned off so ive changed my timer but now im finking what if my timer has never worked because ive never been in the room as it was set to go off from 3am and by the time i was up in the morning it wud be back on! Question is what do i do now can i just change to 12/12 or is it goin to be to much of a shock and stress the plants out???? Im baffled!!!!!:?:? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
if they've bin on 24-7 for 6 weeks no prob.
just start your flower period now. make sure the timer works!!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah hit em with 12/12 but as said, it is imperative that you check that timer before the switcheroo.


Well-Known Member
It is likely that if the timer did not come on the time you checked then it might not have worked for a while,best thing to do is take the old timer and test in on something like a kettle.But saying that you should be able to tell by looking at the plant do they look limp
It is likely that if the timer did not come on the time you checked then it might not have worked for a while,best thing to do is take the old timer and test in on something like a kettle.But saying that you should be able to tell by looking at the plant do they look limp
Tyke the plants look real nice and healthy so im just wondering if its just been on constent for 24hr for 6 week would i be able to tell and will this effect the stretch of them?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Yep, what everybody else said. You'll be fine.

I go straight from 24/7 CFL, to 12/12 HPS, no problems.