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  1. I

    Germination / Seedlings

    it's possible that you buried some a little deeper than the others. those are BIG containers for seedlings
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    most beatfiul WW ive ever seen 1week from 12/12

    looks good dawg keep it up. how long did they veg for?
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    Quick sunlight question..

    not at all as long as their light cycle stays intact.
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    Help, Yellowing Leaves - Pics

    It is common like others have stated. It means your plant is using the energy it has stored in those leaves. Time to feed it :)
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    1 week 2 days. A couple questions..

    maybe transplant 3/4 and let the little one go a couple more days? not that it would be a big deal to move it a lil early. cheers
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    First Posted Grow: Eva Female Veneno, Nirvana White Rhino, and DNA Rocklock

    hey NF, how would you say the soil is doing? Like you, I don't have access to much else, and got the same stuff i think you got. (i looked all around my area) MG Organic Choice? I've been going for about 5 weeks, just started flowering, and I can't complain really. A gnat or two here and there...
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    Fridge 400hps setup how much longer till i turn em?

    It's all a balance man, and these decisions are what is going to make your grows fun and interesting. Ask yourself, for starters, Do you want to wait longer until harvest? Do you think you have the room vertically? Expect them to triple in size when judging your space(on the safe side) Vegging...
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    Update 5-6 days after germ :)

    They look great. I hope the fourth one comes in!
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    First Grow - Wish me luck!

    Looking good so far Brill. I wouldn't worry about any droopage as it's most likely a little transplant shock. Maybe over-watering like you mentioned. What is your soil mix like? Are there any ferts in there? That should determine what/when you start feeding. Cheers
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    Organic Bug Problem Cure?

    sounds like fungus gnats. they're common. your options are to a) let your soil dry out really well. they like the moisture. deny that to them and they may go away. or b) you can try pyrethrin, which is an insecticide, and meets the organic standards. or fly paper or gnat stix. a few options...