Germination / Seedlings

A) I soaked my seeds for a day then planted in compost soil. Does it matter which way up the seed was pointing?
B) 2/6 have sprouted and wondering why others havent.
C) How much should i water my seedlings?

Cheers, Simon


Well-Known Member
You should of done a lot more research than you apparently you have done, you could of avoided your current probpem and the numerous ones to come. When you soaked the seeds did you wait till the tap root came out of the seed casing?


Well-Known Member
No, the sprouts root will find its way down by gravitation and then it will know what end is up. Just takes a bit longer than one pointed in the right direction in the first place. Soak seeds until they sink, then you know water can penetrate the seed case. they are good to go.

If you over water a seedling it will take longer for her to sprout, try watering on just one side keeping the soil on the opposite side kinda dry. That works for me. Soil temp around 75 to 80 is good.
Good thing to hear. 3 / 6 have sprouted now. Is it natural for some seeds to take longer than others? I mean should i be worried as i spent £10 per seed on 60 Day Wonder.?
Also how many ml should each 2 day old receive?



Well-Known Member
Most of the time the seeds that take longer to sprout are over watered, not always.
Pick up one of the pots with a healthy seedling in it, feel the weight? then pick up one that hasn't sprouted, is it heavier?

Once I get the feel for the weight of the pot I know when to water. I water every other day, about 15 to 20 ml each the first week.


Well-Known Member
Well sounds like its up to mother nature, keep them damp and warm.
I just started five tangerine dream from barneys farm. Here is a shot from yesterday.

The one in the back right corner was over watered, she is up now.

You got any pics?


Well-Known Member
Yea, that could be it, Or maybe the seed is upside down and it will take a couple days longer to poke through.
If I were you I would try and disperse the light a little better by turning the light sideways and making two rows of three pots side by side then keep the light about 4 to 6 inches away. Maybe you could mount that socket on a piece of wood or something to hold it vertical for a while. Or just tie a wire around the bulb, that may support it.


You can see that one end of the seed is more pointed while the other end has a round circular seam aka 'butthole'. The tap root comes out of the pointed end, so it helps to plant with the butthole facing up otherwise the seed will have to orient itself.
Oh shit i just checked one of my seedlings and it has lost 3 / 4 of the starting leaves so it has 1 round left. Will it survive? What is the reason for this?

I am using a 300w cfl about 4-5 inches away.

also is there anything i can do to help the others up now?