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  1. piney bob

    best soil for outdoor grow

    Ace harware usually sells promix in small bags. I would suggest looking for a garden center near you.
  2. piney bob

    Soil...made simple.

    Just realized 5 of the 6 products I listed come from my home state. That is buying local.
  3. piney bob

    Soil...made simple.

    That is what the Bio-tone, castings and mushroom soil is for. Sufficient colony in that soil.
  4. piney bob

    Composting: Whats in your pile?

    Every thing from Lettuce to Fish Guts. Pile and a Pitch Fork. Hopefully this year i will be feeding it to my worms.
  5. piney bob

    Another New England Outdoor Grow

    As stated above watch the poo, Though i assume from your screen name that you know your way around some chicken shit. haha. I'd go for 3-4 weeks before you put them in the ground if you are not protecting them at all. the critters love to eat ganj.
  6. piney bob

    NE US outdoors strains

    The northeast is a huge area and there could be 2 months or more difference in growing seasons. I'm assuming you need to harvest beginning october. I have done well with skunk strains. There is a strain called SMILE from Underground originals that i really liked for sativa traits. Also the...
  7. piney bob

    Soil...made simple.

    Thanks for the replies! It does very well. the only thing i am changing for this year is substituting compost for the mushroom soil. They are similar but the mushroom soil contains more manures and is a little more "hot". The soil where I grow is quite acidic, So when i make my holes i will...
  8. piney bob

    Soil...made simple.

    This will be my soil mix going straight into the ground for this year. Tossed in a cement mixer, Bagged in contractor bags, Hauled in then Mixed with the local sandy loam. Added to this will be a small amount of Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus. Amount per...
  9. piney bob

    Need your advice on the plots I desided on

    Stunning country there. I would choose whichever seems the safest because it doesn't seem like you are lacking access, water, or sun. I like the second spot as long as the southern exposure isn't affected by the terrain.
  10. piney bob

    Square Foot Gardening

    Square foot gardening works best with plants like tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. Its all about taking advantage of vertical growth minimizing horizontal growth. In theory, though you may get the same amount of fruit from one large bush as three pruned plants, the fruit from the smaller...
  11. piney bob

    Wtf is wrong with these pepper seeds??

    Do not use miracle grow on veggies or anything besides flowers that you won't consume, especially peppers and cannabis. Unless it's the organic stuff, which is a rip-off.
  12. piney bob

    Hikeing tomarrow

    If youre goin deep its not a bad idea to bring a map with you. , free printable topo maps.
  13. piney bob

    One or Two Time top dressing, Nute Advice, Please

    Yeah they come with instructions. Top dressing with a high N fert like cottonseed when you plant late in the spring closer to the switch might not be a good idea and i believe your nutri will cover the veg till you start flowering. I know from experience from when i lived up north planting in...
  14. piney bob

    One or Two Time top dressing, Nute Advice, Please

    Any top top dress fertilizer is going to be dry and require water to feed your plants. As long as you don't live in an arid place the rain should take care of that. Adding a basic dry fertilizer with a somewhat even nutrient ratio (say 5,5,5) into your soil when you plant in june should get...
  15. piney bob

    help need some in ground grow advice

    clay soils are the hardest to amend. try to find a sloped area like ragnor said. the tarp idea might work if your hole is mounded up good. Rocks will just hold just as much water .But IMO you can try something different or you could do the best with what you've got, which involves using...
  16. piney bob

    Bringing up Seedlings Outdoors

    The best way to do it...
  17. piney bob

    Outside Nutrients for SOIL??

    I use espoma as well with great, cost effective results. Their Tomato Tone with a little extra cottonseed meal mixed right into the soil. then switch over to a bloom fertilizer when it's time. For bloom i like Budswel. Worm castings are a great too.
  18. piney bob

    The Real Effect of Ron Paul in 2012

    no candidate for president will ever claim to legalize marijuana even if they vow to end the "war on drugs". Two different ideas there. If you want legalization it's at the state level, and that is the only way it's possible. At least until every single state legalizes it first independently.
  19. piney bob

    Its 2012, time to prepare....

    15 miles away is pretty far. Sounds like you won't be visiting very much to water etc. If this is true i suggest scrapping the pot idea and put them in the ground. Sounds like some good strains.
  20. piney bob

    I f-ed up my outdoor grow because...

    Be wary of ph issues in local soil and in your fertilizer. I was using cottonseed meal in acidic swamp soil. Growth was stunted and slowed.