Soil...made simple.

piney bob

Active Member
This will be my soil mix going straight into the ground for this year. Tossed in a cement mixer, Bagged in contractor bags, Hauled in then Mixed with the local sandy loam. Added to this will be a small amount of Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus.

Amount per hole:

Local Topsoil: 5gal.
Local organic Mushroom Soil: 1gal.
Sphagnum moss: 1gal.
Local Worm Castings: 1gal.
Greensand 3 c.
Lime as needed

Estemated price per hole: >$7. Any Takers?
The castings and mushroom soil are composted. The mix will sit in the ground over a month before planting. Just have to wait for hunting season to end then i'm off.​


Well-Known Member
sounds good man i have always went with just buying baged soil have you used this recipe before would love to hear more about how you did!


Well-Known Member
i see you say lime as needed. Can you explain how we determine when/how its needed?
This will be my soil mix going straight into the ground for this year. Tossed in a cement mixer, Bagged in contractor bags, Hauled in then Mixed with the local sandy loam. Added to this will be a small amount of Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus.

Amount per hole:

Local Topsoil: 5gal.
Local organic Mushroom Soil: 1gal.
Sphagnum moss: 1gal.
Local Worm Castings: 1gal.
Greensand 3 c.
Lime as needed

Estemated price per hole: >$7. Any Takers?
The castings and mushroom soil are composted. The mix will sit in the ground over a month before planting. Just have to wait for hunting season to end then i'm off.​

piney bob

Active Member
Thanks for the replies! It does very well. the only thing i am changing for this year is substituting compost for the mushroom soil. They are similar but the mushroom soil contains more manures and is a little more "hot". The soil where I grow is quite acidic, So when i make my holes i will put a simple ph meter in there. Then just add lime as the directions say to on the bag. I guess at this a lot knowing that i need some but not a lot and it has never hurt me. Not adding the lime has hurt me though.


Active Member
if youre using a lot of lime, you can consider coir instead of peat. also are you adding anything to sctivate biological life? im just looking into things like that.

heres a handy dandy tool to know what soil you are working with (instead of local... so u know):

its weird, but what u wanna do is basically go to where ur soil is from, and click the AOI button and make a box.

piney bob

Active Member
if youre using a lot of lime, you can consider coir instead of peat. also are you adding anything to sctivate biological life? im just looking into things like that.

heres a handy dandy tool to know what soil you are working with (instead of local... so u know):

its weird, but what u wanna do is basically go to where ur soil is from, and click the AOI button and make a box.
That is what the Bio-tone, castings and mushroom soil is for. Sufficient colony in that soil.