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  1. Kush Pu$her

    Want to Make Sure about Flushing

    say u have a gallon pot use like 5 gallons of water and just let the water run thru the holes at the bottom bringing all the old nutes with it than place back under lights after letting them drain out good than let them dry out again than water when needed for the remaining 2 wks
  2. Kush Pu$her

    Pics! Need to Know What You Guys Think

    i would get your light much closer its quite streched more strech will come in flower and i'd top cut a couple branches from the top it will cause u to have like 3 or 4 main heads instead of the one
  3. Kush Pu$her

    Guys: Pee Standing or Sitting Down?

    both ways depends how lazy i am or tired if i was drunk i would just stand not giving a fuck but my dick does hit water gotta put it up on the toilet seat sometimes shitting and pissing ive had a log float and hit my dick.....fuck me
  4. Kush Pu$her

    So what do you guys think about Japans recent tsunami and there nuclear plants

    aint that BIG really it could've been worse they live in a place where it is expected and they take that chance i think they arebig enough to deal with whats at hand. like i said they expect this living there so i am sure they have a WHAT if plan and money set a side for this sort of relief
  5. Kush Pu$her

    My Girlfriend Is Missing, Have You Seen Her?

    i'm sure she couldnt have gotten far from the looks of things
  6. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    i am clean and legal i blow dro but not to get high its to calm my IBS in the mourning so i dont puke and can eat i have a legit sickness and other issues that allow me a medical card i dont do shit else or drink or smoke ciggs not even Tylenol, i do know i'm legit and as far as it goes with CPS...
  7. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    the relationship is more over for me than it is for her i do know that, the ring i asked back she was lying so much and not being true to me that i felt it was false for her to where it i no longer felt i wanted to marry her. and as far as the car goes it is paid off in full i have the title the...
  8. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    yea but how do u help someone that acts like they dont need the help and then lies there ass off to down play her use and behavior she thinks fixing it is me backing off her case acting like non of this happens over and over and over and give her space and trust back but she slaps me right in...
  9. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    if i wanted to fuck her over and be dirty like her i would get her fired from her state job for all the shit in her system cannabis methadone oxi's she works with people telling them not to do drugs and how to better their lives. i could take a parenting plan out and take her to court and much...
  10. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    we live with each other know she sleeps on the couch me in the room, its like we r not together anyways she thinks im just an ass hole because i'm the only one fighting her about the pills and money. i have stuck around in hopes to try and make it work out for our kid and with the thought that...
  11. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    yea well all women can be sweet and caring and seem like thaey would never b the one to do the shady shit other bitches do till it comes down to it and the turn into the biggest cutthroat cunts and leave us fucked like eve did with adam and the apple.
  12. Kush Pu$her

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    i kinda hope we see action on the west coast but hope no one gets hurt it always happens to everyone else
  13. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    well thanks for the good wishes i know i am the dependent and she has a right to that but we did agree and she turned sour and greedy. i do know also that the tax is just one of the many problems and worries its just the one getting to me today with no where to vent to. i just think i am doing...
  14. Kush Pu$her

    Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

    so been in a relationship for ten years going on eleven but not quite, we have 1 daughter turning 2 in a couple weeks, relationship has gone to shit, i feel cuz she found a new love for methadone and oxy's which detoured her real life and responsibilities. she has a master degree alright job and...
  15. Kush Pu$her

    favorite things to do when high???

    eating frozen grapes is good
  16. Kush Pu$her

    Would You Move To A New Planet?

    watch out for the purple people eaters
  17. Kush Pu$her

    Thoughts on Egypt and Libya Uprising, Civil or Outsiders??
  18. Kush Pu$her

    Would You Move To A New Planet?

    i dont doubt it, i think beings and plant life may have evolved different some the same and natures course and survival who knows who is the stronger smarter being but if its possible for life to thrive in so many differant forms and walks of life deep dark water creatures compared to land...
  19. Kush Pu$her

    HOW TO RE-Post thread?

    still new to this i notice thread making there ways to the top of the pages over and over are they re-posted or what thanks + rep
  20. Kush Pu$her

    Thoughts on Egypt and Libya Uprising, Civil or Outsiders??

    talk about butting out...why is it we want to take action without even the UN opinion, like i said before why the sudden push and interest in these presidents to step down when out side forces or even insiders with a differant view are trying to overthrow your power? i believe these presidents...