Thoughts on Egypt and Libya Uprising, Civil or Outsiders??

Kush Pu$her

just want to see what others thoughts are on the uprisings in the middle east. Do you think that there is an out side hand Washington, Brits, NWO, whoever, but it seems like the fighters from egypt went right next door and Obamas admin. always says its time for the president to step down and listen to the people?? so if people here in America want to stand up and take their country back you will just listen and let us take over the country??? Didnt we have a hand in overthrowing other governments through civil revolution? and we would even arm the fighters?? Who will arm us to fight back against our President? Despite overwhelming evidence of genocide and knowledge as to its perpetrators, United States officials decided against taking a leading role in confronting the slaughter in Rwanda. why such an interest in Libya Egypt Gaza strip Iraq Afghanistan Iran just look where iraq and afghanistan are on the map? dead smack in the middle is iran. israel gaza strip than egypt than libya one by one and we have interest or a hand already in surrounding nations of interest WE ARE TAKING OVER THE ARAB WORLD maybe its oil demand and having it in the hands of the people you r at war with who set the price you'll pay maybe it is a war on religion that benifits us with the pay off of oil control. Maybe US diplomats know who controls the flow of oil will play the MAJOR role in the world and the US wont stand for a power loss of any sort? Please give some input or info dont sit back and think whats happening in the world dosent effect you. i'm 25yrs old and know i have it cut out for me already and God only knows what is to come. Destabilize thru civil disobedience and organized mob's paid for created by and supported by The United States and allies. WE HAVE OUR OWN PROBLEMS AT HOME



Well-Known Member
Sir I am an old fart and sure hate the way the world is going to be for younger people. Every body believes different here but I think you had it right with the word GOD. Good luck in your travels be safe peace


Active Member
Tell you what it is we being the UK & the USA should bloody butt out and leave them to it, who the hell are we to dictate to another country & its people . Look at the bloody mess in Afghanistan & Iraq, bloody politicians make me sick.You will probably find now that a lot of other muslim countries will follow suit as its the Imman in their Mosques at Friday pray telling them to go out and riot.Shoot The immans I say !!! Religion and religious leaders should not be allowed to get away with inciting their congregation , no matter what religion they are . I am glad I am an atheist....Lydia


Active Member
Hilary Clinton has a god like a bloody fish wife...can't think Y Bill strayed with a gob like that

Kush Pu$her

talk about butting out...why is it we want to take action without even the UN opinion, like i said before why the sudden push and interest in these presidents to step down when out side forces or even insiders with a differant view are trying to overthrow your power? i believe these presidents have the right to defend there power unless all the people and military say we no longer view you as in charge. we are talking a large group of fighters stirring up things spreading out over the country and recruiting along the way call them a terror group they are doing the dirty work and shaken shit up for the larger forces at hand. just like with peaceful protest and G20 summit situation where a group or mob or undercover cops come thru causing damage to police cars, to only make the people pay for new ones, and property so that there buddies in black and blue behind them can step in and beat the shit out of protesters and put an end to it. as soon as the damage starts and violence it gives them more power and authority to do as they please to step in. so with these riots across the middle east that i do believe is being started by outsiders take up and the GOV fights back than international countries like the UK and US can do and say as they please. where has politics like this got us in the past? NEVER GOOD


Well-Known Member
US needs to let them deal with their own shit.US needs to get the fuck out of the MIDEAST,fighting wars to make them richer(NWO snakes)Theres Trillions in afganistan,and Iraq and WE the people that are funding this BS war,and ain't gonna get 1 penny from it.thats why our troops are there,to clear out the resistance.WAKE UP PEOPLE! RUSSIA AND CHINA are fresh and fully loaded,and are forming a alliance.These people are fucking dumbshits,or their playin dumb.


Well-Known Member
Ka-Daffy is crying Wolf - that the Taliban is in Lybia.
By doing that I am sure the Taliban will now be in Lybia or something like it.

It's these incomplete transitions to democracy that not only open the door to radical groups but provides them futile grounds to grow on.
Since it's obvious we are not there to help these people establish democracy we can see all we are doing in the Middle East is making some people very wealthy while handing the bill to the American people.
At the sum of 2 Billion dollars a month I understand.


Well-Known Member
Qaddafi is quite intelligent really, mad to a means, if you will. Robert Gates, the U.S. Defense Secretary believes that the rebels will lose. I have to say, once they took up arms against him, they fucked up. They became 'terrorists' in the Libyan 'government's' eye. By carrying weapons, they become justified targets of a war. It's not right, but it is what it is. We should not be stepping in and enforcing a fly zone, unless it can be shown that massive civilian casualties are occurring. They are smarter than that, they'll just use their air power in military operations and justify taking ports and oil facilities as property of Libya. The rebels need some strategic victories. The longer this goes on, the more people will fear for the safety and lives and care less about true freedom.