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  1. M

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    from what ive read so far best yield with good smoke for an indoor SOG is Green Giant x Ak-47 ,,although i cant find any seedbanks that sell this !anyone knowwhere i can get this baby?
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    humiduty ok at 70 during flowering?

    thanks.i openin a window there for an hour to see can i drop it to 60 anyway whilst makin sure my temps dont go below 15 deg max .i turned off the fans in there and it brought up the temp a bit but it aslo pushed up the humidity! thanks for your help!
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    humiduty ok at 70 during flowering?

    hey , i dont have the cash for a dehumidifier atm and my humidity seems to stay at 70 , i cant open the windows like i normallly do thelast few days cause its been very cold outside and evn atm my temps while the lights on due to how coldit is are like 19 degrees C. i am just going into week 7...
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    The Irish Growers Thread! can anyone help me with this by any chance?
  5. M

    heeeeeeelp please

    gave them a dose of veg nutes today!hoping this will fix them!! do i flush with water every second feed now again like i did during veg as instructed on the veg nutes?
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here.. hey guys im lookin for a lil help all my info is in this thread above ive linked with pics.??kinda urgent .pthanks in advance
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    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    i originally topped in the wrong place as it was my first attempt and the next day i topped it right and had a cut off that was like only 1 inch long and cut on the top and it grew into a grand 2 branched plant!
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    heeeeeeelp please

    will doing that prolong the flowering time more than 12 weeks???or affect my yield??? shud i just use my flowering nutes?
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    heeeeeeelp please

    ok so i have! flowering feeds: bio grow ,liquid plant food 1ml/L. 8.0% N Bio bloom: 3ml/L 2.0% N will be upped to 4ml/L last month bloom stimulator 1ml/L 0.1%N if i add this again which im doing will that be sufficient...
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    The Irish Growers Thread! Could any of my fellow irishmen help me on this problem please?
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    heeeeeeelp please

    they are about 4.5 foot tall atm! i have been using bio bizz feeds!3 of! as i sed i flushed em twice with phed water and today gave em nutes again !
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    heeeeeeelp please

    hey i am a first time grower and the last 2 weeks my plants starting from the lowest fan leaves have been going yellow and completely drying up? i have flushed twice with correct ph water and today went back to nutes !im in week 6 of flowering as of tomorrow and they are starwberry haze...
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    heeeeeeelp please

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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey thinkin of doin an outdoor guerilla grow and was wondering if anyone has done this in ireland here? whats a good outdoor strain thatll grow easy in our climate?shud i get an autoflower??any tips suggestions would be wonderful as im only doin my first indoor grow atm and dont know...
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    Theory Testing of Styles

    hey im wondering can u provide links for these as im am on week 3 of flowering sativas atm and would like toknow a lil more before i rape allher leaves!! have u tried this urself?? also can u provide links for the afoementioned 2 gorws as i cant find em please?
  16. M

    defoliation at end of flowering to increase thc release to the bud?

    "I am talking of removing fan leaves on day 18 of flower~nothing to do with topping. I don't remove leaves any other time as it seems to stunt the plant, If you guys are interested check out MrDizzle, and Jackmayoffer tests. They have done several documented grows trying different defoliation...
  17. M

    defoliation at end of flowering to increase thc release to the bud?

    thanks fellas!! so that plant u got 2 ounces off i have 2 similar sized plants and 2 large ones!!!! i am in third week of flowering now so can i trim the lower leaves on my small ones which dont receive much light (lollipopping) if i want to produce such a fabulous yield like urself??i heard...
  18. M

    defoliation at end of flowering to increase thc release to the bud?

    cool!!but what about yellowing or already dead leaves??is it only green leaves u want for hash makin? thanks everyone for the quick input!!!! seems the world is quite divided on defoliation to increase thc release to buds!!
  19. M

    defoliation at end of flowering to increase thc release to the bud?

    also the leaves i remove atm that are dead or what ever or yellowing can i use these to make hash right now or can i save em all up togerther or will they just all dry out and be useless?