The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I just used like a sandwidge bag worth I had off the smallest plant as a test run, with 3 trays of ice. I froze the trim fresh and had a 5L bottle of water in the freezer so didnt need that much ice. I rushed it tho, next time Im gonna use 3 times as much trim and 3 times as much ice per run and give myself like two hours to do it.
hey thinkin of doin an outdoor guerilla grow and was wondering if anyone has done this in ireland here? whats a good outdoor strain thatll grow easy in our climate?shud i get an autoflower??any tips suggestions would be wonderful as im only doin my first indoor grow atm and dont know much about outdoors growing!!nice one


Active Member
just look for something that will grow in a cooler climate, theres a few plants to chose from. the hardest thing is going to be finding somewhere safe to plant it. also you will have to go to it a couple of times to check for male/female and watering with a few nutes. i would not be planting out yet though, maybe end of april time would be best.
harrekin do you think its worth it investing in those bubble bags? ive got a lot of leaves as ive a few bushy plants finishing. do you think they are worth the money and where did you get yours fella.
thanks lu


Active Member
also as you can see on the previous page the plants are covered in trychromes so should be nice if i did go ahead and get the bags. even the larger leaves are covered on some of the plants. also if you have not done one yet the skunk 11 is a big yielder.


Well-Known Member
Ive gone in to 2 holland and barrets and both of them had mollasses but not black strap....Its the mollasses that i want to use but cant seem to get the right one.
blackstrap is molasses no?

hey thinkin of doin an outdoor guerilla grow and was wondering if anyone has done this in ireland here? whats a good outdoor strain thatll grow easy in our climate?shud i get an autoflower??any tips suggestions would be wonderful as im only doin my first indoor grow atm and dont know much about outdoors growing!!nice one
kc33,kc36 and anything from hybrids from hell on
plant out after last frost, 10 may earliest

just look for something that will grow in a cooler climate, theres a few plants to chose from. the hardest thing is going to be finding somewhere safe to plant it. also you will have to go to it a couple of times to check for male/female and watering with a few nutes. i would not be planting out yet though, maybe end of april time would be best.
harrekin do you think its worth it investing in those bubble bags? ive got a lot of leaves as ive a few bushy plants finishing. do you think they are worth the money and where did you get yours fella.
thanks lu
have alook at , cheaper and just as good


Well-Known Member
Mo Tonto i believe there is Mollassses with out blackstrap...and then there is sulphur free aswell...I


Well-Known Member
I got a 5 bag set w/ pressing screen off ebay for like €32 delivered from Canada that were here in a week, just search for bubble bags. I watched this guys Youtube series, its 8 parts, but its everything you need covered by someone who understands the appeal of the green machine, lol.

And yes its definately worthwhile, I only got a little bit cos I rushed it, but it was melt the brain out the ears stuff.


Active Member
Nice link Harrekin. Has me sold on getting the bubble bags.

Quick question about the trim for making hash. How long can you leave the trim before using it in the bags? Like can you hold the trim from one grow in a jar and use it at the end of the next grow?


Well-Known Member
I freeze my trimmings as I finish each branch, takes out alot of the "must get it really cold" lark. Just use a bottle of barely frozen water, a load of ice and frozen trimmings, means you can just spin away! Oh I completly forgot to mention it actually, whereever your actually making the hash will seriously STINK, alot.


Active Member
hi jingle, someone said i was run of the mill with the baby avatar. so i put one up that i made earlier!
you like the nuggets?