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  1. B

    What kinda budget do you need to have a private grow?

    Could do it pretty cheap to be honest. id say 500$ could get you a good light, all your soil and pots, and adequate venting for a small space. You will have to shop around and plan ahead or you will spend more than that. HPS can be used from beginning to end with some supplemental CFLs for veg...
  2. B

    First Time Grow Please Let me Know If I'm LSTing this plant right or if it wrong

    Yup those look super-cropped, which is basically bending all the growths at the same height, evening the canopy and light distribution. It is actually high stress since you have to hurt the plant but as long as you didnt break it all the way through, it should be fine. As far as i understand it...
  3. B

    1st grow LST, yellowing leaves and TOO bushy?

    Haven't seen a single bug since yesterday's treatment. Moved the lights up a couple inches and its already a lot more manageable (pics soon!). I have to say though, it still seems extremely difficult to tie down all the side chutes that formed as a result of the LST. This baby is still so bushy...
  4. B

    1st grow LST, yellowing leaves and TOO bushy?

    Bout to make these bugs wish they never fucked with me. Almost positive I'm having the same issue as that thread you linked, my bugs appear to be the same ones he describes... theyre very small but have elongated bodies with wings. If it's not fungus gnats, its aphids. Either way I'm ready to...
  5. B

    1st grow LST, yellowing leaves and TOO bushy?

    Thanks for this idea. I've noticed some bugs today, very small and only saw maybe 1 or 2 of them. Thought they were fungus gnats at first but that thread you linked talks about flying aphids or root aphids. Either gnats or aphids will eat up my roots so I guess I'll need some Neem oil? Will...
  6. B

    1st grow LST, yellowing leaves and TOO bushy?

    Interesting thought, I suppose the Nitrogen could be locked out from the pH. I thought that would stunt the growth? Or maybe that is why the bottom leaves are yellowing, because its using them up for energy? Kinda talking out my ass now. I don't have a digital pH tester yet and I'm stuck using...
  7. B

    1st grow LST, yellowing leaves and TOO bushy?

    These pictures are from about 4 weeks into veg and the plant is extremely bushy. The plant has been recieving Low Stress Training and appears to be too bushy (most people say this isnt possible :-o). However, it's not even possible to see the main stem and is becoming a bit difficult to manage...
  8. B

    How long till it will start growing more leaves?

    yup just let them go man, had the same worries a couple weeks back and theyve taken off since then :)
  9. B

    CFL grow journal - 12/12 from bag seed

    you could get several nursery pots from any local nursery for close to free, maybe a quarter a piece. That newspaper just seems like a bad idea
  10. B

    Other alternatives to weed

    I wouldn't smoke most of the fake stuff unless you like inhaling unknown substances into your lungs. None of this stuff has been tested extensively so it's not worth the risk to me on something that is probably only a placebo effect in the first place. Find other stuff to do if you're on...
  11. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    Well growth definitely picked up. Others look great but what the hell is wrong with this one? lol I havent watered her in a while because of the way she looks, I assumed I was overwatering like a typical newbie. Shes still growing its just so droopy. Was also thinking maybe rootbound but...
  12. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    I can see why overwatering and stuff is so common among first time growers. It's so hard to just let your little girls be, always want to interfere in the smallest things. I've learned a lot so far (my girls still havent really grown though), and I feel like next time will be much better. Can't...
  13. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    This is just bagseed anyways so I am only holding on to the healthiest looking ones just as an experiment. This is my first time doing this so definitely a learning process... I took a look at the roots on of the other plants i decided to sacrifice and realized my problem. Early on, my cfls were...
  14. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    Going to wait a couple days, give them some time, then my plan is to transplant from this horrible MG Organic to FoxFarm Ocean Forest. What is the best way to do this? Is this a bad idea to transplant to a different soil and what issues can I expect to encounter if I do this?
  15. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    Good advice. :) I'll give it a couple days then see if it has made any progress. No need to transplant from Solo cups this early right? I figure at least a few sets of leaves before I do that
  16. B

    A Few ?'s

    you need more light and should be doing somewhere between 18-6 and 24-0 for on-off cycle. really 1 16watt is not enough to grow anything
  17. B

    Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

    Hello, was curious if this was a normal occurrence for the above ground growth to slow (nearly stop) after the first set of true leaves are in. I can see the second set starting to emerge but they have changed very little in the past 2-3 days and I'm concerned about their health (though they are...
  18. B

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    Nice and tall, surprised you didn't LST or anything but since it's first time, I guess that's ok. I'd watch for that yellowing on that one plant, its also got curling of the leaves (and yellowing) at least halfway up the plant. I'm new as well but that is a HUGE warning sign, maybe a deficiency...