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  1. chuck618

    Leaves Rolling Under Themselves

    Check the PH. i had the same type of problem and my PH was too high, adjusted it and all was well.
  2. chuck618

    Question about Flowering

    my strain is unknown. so?
  3. chuck618

    Question about Flowering

    When do you consider flowering to start? When you switch to 12/12, or when you start to see pistils??? Thanks in advance for all info.
  4. chuck618

    A Few Questions from a Semi-Noob Grower

    his setup?? he said that he is going to grow them outdoors. He stated that he has grown only indoors before and i believe that is why he is curious of an estimated yield.. Sorry, but i have not used those strains. vegging that long and growing outdoors, i would guess that you will have really...
  5. chuck618

    Another Ph Question

    i also use FFOF and i ph my water to 6.2-6.5, i have heard that is a good range. some even say 6-7, but i like to keep my range a lil tighter.
  6. chuck618

    Another Plant Dying

    here are a couple of pics of what mine looked like.
  7. chuck618

    Another Plant Dying

    I had the same problem. except mine looked worse than yours.... And it took me a lil while before i got to the bottom of it. What is the PH of the water that you are using? it is very important. Mine was tap water and was way too high, it was around 8. now i bring it down to around 6.2-6.5 and...
  8. chuck618

    How Tall Should My Plants Get?

    I put my plants into Flower at around 16-24" tall. After 8 days i sexed them and one of my females was already 3.5 feet tall, so that thing grew drastically like 2" a day for that period. i too have 8' ceiling but i hope i will be good. Good luck
  9. chuck618

    Can the Dirt from Previous Crop be Used again?

    I am going to re use my soil once i am done with this first grow. Gonna mix in a lil fresh soil and go with it. The old roots will break down and compost into the soil, dont know why people would be worried with that. And i have wondered about this, and heard many different reason why you can...
  10. chuck618

    Lighting Advice

    switch them to 12/12? not sure why he would do that if they are only 5" tall. But i would definately get a small oscilating fan to help strengthen them up. Just think, in nature they have a lot of wind. Also make sure that you are watering them properly with the right PH water. Good Luck
  11. chuck618

    1st grow leafs curling HELP

    I had the same problem with mine. Thought it was heat stress, so i raised my lights up some (even though the temp was 78 at highest). And then bought a PH meter and found that my water was way too high of PH. Got that in order and the plants have florished since. Hope it helps, and yes you need...
  12. chuck618

    My first grow.. any tips & tricks would be greatly appreciated

    only tip i can give you (because i am a newbie too) is to read, read, and read some more... Thats what i have been doing. I look on here and another site every day, read other peopless questions and look at the input they got.. IT IS very helpful...
  13. chuck618

    4 Weeks of Veg. Opinions Please....

    My babies have been in Veg for weeks now, What do you guys thinks?
  14. chuck618

    Question about some Nutes?

    I was wondering about starting nutes. plants are at day 22 of veg and I am currently giving my plants Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A & B... Was wondering if i should be adding anything else? I thought that maybe i read people add other nutes now too..?? I will be going to hydro shop today, so...
  15. chuck618

    RollinG/curling Leaves. Please Help FIRST GROW

    Really? as i stated above though - lights are roughly 22-24" above the plants... I figured i was safe there...?
  16. chuck618

    RollinG/curling Leaves. Please Help FIRST GROW

    Thanks for the chart... and i know my PH was too high for a lil while, hopefully i have that under control now.... Wind burn?? never heard of this and dont expect it due to only some plant having it and they arent only the ones near the fan. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?? hard to believe that i have...
  17. chuck618

    RollinG/curling Leaves. Please Help FIRST GROW

    OK, so i am looking to see what would cause this. Some of my plants look like this, some dont. Need advice on what would casue this so that i can remedy it... My set up is as follows, they are roughly at day 18 of veg, they are under 2 400 watt MH lights (at about 22-24'' above the plants)...
  18. chuck618

    Please help Have questions

    My lights are curently at around 22-24'' above the plants.
  19. chuck618

    Please help Have questions

    Thanks for the reply, still not sure what is causeing my problems here (with the curling leaves) but more plants are doing it... going to feed them today for the first time. Using sensi grow a/b.. so hopefully that will help them out some... I really dont wanna lose many of these lil babies... i...
  20. chuck618

    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    the suare footage is actually only like 194. i googled it.