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  1. never clever

    First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

    Drop the light alittle bit, they are stretching. You can remove the leftover seed husk if you want, or don't doesn't matter. Once they have three or four sets of leaves transfer the clones/seedlings to a larger medium, either soil or water.
  2. never clever

    Leaves Are Drooping COCO

    You want the soil to just be barely dry when you water again, it will recover. Give it alil nutes too.
  3. never clever

    is 400 watts to much for an apt stealth grow???? 150hps veg tent 250hps flower tent??

    A 600w will run at 4.5 amps with a 120volt plug, average circut is about 15amps. Check whatelse is on the circut as a precaution if you ever do this. In a small space you want to have atleast 600watts for best crystal production.
  4. never clever

    Spider Mites Week 8 Flower!

    I have a co2 emitter. Hasn't been on recently, I keep the ppm around 1500 would that be enough?
  5. never clever

    nail before harvest trick

    hahaha, fair enough. I'll stick to what I'm already doing.
  6. never clever

    Can these fan leaves go?

    I clean the plant off before I cut it down, cleaning all the leaves off 2-5 days before I harvest. Also, around the fourth week in I usually pop all the huge and older fan leaves off with my fingers, they just cover up the buds taking lumens away from their mean light intake. Do however keep...
  7. never clever

    nail before harvest trick

    I did the 48 hours of darkness but who knows if it really works and I haven't tried the nail trick yet, figured it was old hippie lore but maybe I'll try it samuel . I also read somewhere else on rollitup that if you do hydro put the plant in an empty rez for the last three days. So I did...
  8. never clever

    Spider Mites Week 8 Flower!

    . Report back and please tell me if this works. I have mites too, I sprayed s.m. knock out last week and I think I got 'em but I don't know. It seems to only be obvious that there are spider mites immediately preceding 8th week, but who knows the rest could have them too.
  9. never clever

    nail before harvest trick

    Hi, I have both read and had a friend tell me that you can stick a nail in the main stem a few days before you harvest. This makes the plant think it is dying and produce crystals at an excellerated rate to protect its, in this case nonexistent, seeds. Does this work? My friend never tried it...
  10. never clever

    Why should I flush or wait to add nutrients when into bloom?

    Okay, thanks for the advice. I read in another forum about flushing grow nutrients and didn't know if it had a marked difference. Although, what do you mean by smoking a leaf vs a bud?
  11. never clever

    Why should I flush or wait to add nutrients when into bloom?

    My question is: why should I wait to add bloom nutes or flush after removing a plant from veg? More specifically, what are the consequences of not doing that and just adding bloom nutes to your rez on the first day of flowering? Right now I give the plant regular water for two days and nights...
  12. never clever

    What is Micro?

    I went and checked my grow nutrients (I'm using Ionic) to see what it said about additives. The bottle actually says all in one on it, which I imagine means I don't need micro. Thanks mellokitty :)
  13. never clever

    What is Micro?

    I recently read on another thread about something called micro:?: which apparentlly you are suppose to put in your rez before changing from grow to bloom. What is micro and is it worth looking into?
  14. never clever

    Flushing Nutrients and Sweet

    I have some pretty strange friends too. :)
  15. never clever

    Flushing Nutrients and Sweet

    "it made a friggen mess of the resi with barely noticeable results"; that's what I figured, didn't think it would work. Although, I have heard if you grow a pepper and a tomato in a closed system the tomato will taste like a pepper.
  16. never clever

    Flushing Nutrients and Sweet

    maybe that's what they meant. Never heard of this before but I haven't been doing indoors for that long.
  17. never clever

    Flushing Nutrients and Sweet

    I read a little back that while flushing with pure water in the last week, you can make a homemade version of sweet with adding two tbsp of sugar to a gallon and adding it to your flush water. This is suppose to make the smoke sweeter. Are you able to do this and can a master tell me whether...