Flushing Nutrients and Sweet

I read a little back that while flushing with pure water in the last week, you can make a homemade version of sweet with adding two tbsp of sugar to a gallon and adding it to your flush water. This is suppose to make the smoke sweeter. Are you able to do this and can a master tell me whether or not it is a good idea?
Very interesting, I will have to do some research since I'm getting ready to flush my self. I'll let you know what I find.

I read alittle back that while flushing with pure water in the last week, you can make a homemade version of sweet with adding two tbsp of sugar to a gallon and adding it to your flush water. This is suppose to make the smoke sweeter. Are you able to do this and can a master tell me whether or not it is a good idea?
Did they mean molasses? I use 1tbs per gallon of molasses every couple of weeks during the flowering stage. I was told this helps your plant utilize the flowering/budding nutrients you will be feeding it.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
No that's not what they ment. On another forum they have the break down of all the products we use. I'll look it up.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of adding cane sugar to flush water. It makes little sense to me. You are not going to make your smoke 'sweeter'. In fact, we flush plants to remove nutrients from the soil so the plant will start tapping out it's own resources that we don't want in our smoke... I do add Drip Clean to my flush to remove bonded salts...


Well-Known Member
Jacked from another forum
"Sweet contains glucose, fructose and sucrose. i.e. partially refined molasses. (almost raw sugar) i.e. alot of the potential sugar is still in the carbohydrate stage. i.e. Blackstrap Molasses."

Quoted from Fatman 5 minutes ago by email. I've kept constant contact with him since he was banned...it's great having the answer man to talk shop to without the trolls, posers and fools

He goes on to say>
"Molasses is just a non useful fad. It is beneficial with organics at low levels at higher levels it causes bactierial massive multiplication. i.e. grey stink reservoirs."

I tend to believe that statement but won't go as far as condemning it's use. I've only used it a few times in hydro. Most of the time it made a friggen mess of the resi with barely noticeable results

Sweet is a 26 dollar rip off IMHO. Epsoms and Blackstrap are super cheap by themselves and I'm sure you could easily make up your own version
"it made a friggen mess of the resi with barely noticeable results";
that's what I figured, didn't think it would work. Although, I have heard if you grow a pepper and a tomato in a closed system the tomato will taste like a pepper.