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  1. N

    Pic of Very First Yield!

    lemme ask something.... if i do happen to cut a plant early, and i end up harvesting and curing the green buds...what happens? as for my setup. i have a 600 watt hps, a 400 watt hps and 8x40 watt flo lights. i know for sure my pot set up isn't the best. i started the clones off in small pots...
  2. N

    Pic of Very First Yield!

    strain= royal empress. was vegged for 54 days. lights= was a combination of cfl's and hps towards the end. flowered for 8 weeks. keep in mind this is my absolute worst plant, which is why i cut her first. lemme know what you think. any tips???
  3. N

    Just Over 8 Weeks Flower.Any Ideas?

    sounds good boys and girls. thanks for the advice. i'll get a 30x microscope to take a look. as i said, this is my very first grow and i did read everything i could, ended up doing things a little wishy washy :) but it seemed to work. not sure i will yield a great deal, but for my first grow...
  4. N

    Just Over 8 Weeks Flower.Any Ideas?

    no idea what the recommended period is. nobody seems to know the strain. got them as clone jan 16. so it's been over 115 days. flowering since march 10. i vegged a little longer than i should (54 days) but i had no idea what i was doing! most have yellow leaves and "seem" like they are done. i'm...
  5. N

    Just Over 8 Weeks Flower.Any Ideas?

    strain= royal empress (exotic) they are all over 40 inches in height. wonder how you think they look, and how much longer to flower. thanks
  6. N

    1st grow. 2 weeks into flowering. What do you think??

    i have a 600 HPS with a few 40 watt flourescent plant lights (t12's) strain is an exotic. royal empress. ever heard of it??
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    1st grow. 2 weeks into flowering. What do you think??

    actually 17 days into flowering. how are they looking??
  8. N

    WTF is this??? pls help

    i have one 600 watt HPS light in the middle. surrounding that i have six 40 watt flourescent tubes (t12's). the 600 watt isn't that close, i keep the tubes fairly close. hope this helps. i can take more pics tomorrow, right now they are sleeping. :)
  9. N

    WTF is this??? pls help

    been flowering 12/12 for 15 days now. for the most part everything is going well. but today i noticed this stuff. some black tips near the budding area. what is this? will it affect anything and if so how do i fix it? here's a couple pics of the good and the bad. thanks
  10. N

    first grow pics. flowering stage. comments pls

    just so i know for next time, to stop from stretching, i put the light as close as possible to the plants right?
  11. N

    Take a look

    i'm very new to all this as well so take my comments for what it's worth. i have a few clones under 4x40 watt flourescent lights. i keep the plants as close as possible to the lights and they are doing just fine! i
  12. N

    first grow pics. flowering stage. comments pls

    hey y'all! here are a few pics of my royal empress in it's 2nd week of flowering. do they look good? all over 37inches tall now!!! i also have some clones that are now all over 12inches tall and i'm thinking of flowering them now. pics attached. do they look ready??
  13. N

    Flowering questions.... pls help

    they used to be under a 600 watt HPS light. they were growing like crazy so when i started flowering i put them under 4 x 40 watt flo lights. they still seem fine. buds look like they are coming out. should i not water or mist the actual leafs? just put water in the pot???
  14. N

    Flowering questions.... pls help

    they wilt almost right away. seems like the leaf stems are just bending a bit. should i put a bamboo stick around it to keep them upright??
  15. N

    Flowering questions.... pls help

    The plant is 42 inches tall.... i realize the pot is too small, but i don't want to transplant now. it's almost a 4litre pot. got some female clones first week of jan. they are now in the 2nd week of flowering and look very good.. all over 35 inches! budding seems to be going well. i notice...
  16. N

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    also.. quick question... will a 5 foot plant bud more than say a 1 foot plant???? or does it matter how big the plant is??
  17. N

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    motherhugger, when i first got the clones, i used NO nutes! just good soil, water, a bit of miracle grow. for some reason they grew really well! i have a wicked set up with good space, air and ventilation. i just started using nutes and will barely use it on the big ones, they don't need it!!
  18. N

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    i have to say, although fairly new, i've read a lot, watched a lot of videos and how-to stuff.. but i've never heard anything about the elusive nut!!! lol i'll have to look into that. i think with my 2nd batch, i will induce flowering earlier, these things are way too big!! :)
  19. N

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    yes i know! i'm going to give the big ones that are flowering just a little bit of nutes, to help the yellowing leafs, but other than that, i'm gonna let them be. i've been winging it since the start and they've done pretty good, figure i'll keep at it.
  20. N

    1ST Grow PICS. comments pls...

    thanks boys and girls. i'll take that all into account and post more pictures later. the big ones are in their 5th day of flowering, and getting f**king big!! i just got some nutrients, started that with 2 days ago and already see a difference. thanks again.