Just Over 8 Weeks Flower.Any Ideas?


strain= royal empress (exotic)
they are all over 40 inches in height.
wonder how you think they look, and how much longer to flower.




Well-Known Member
pic 1 looks quite close to being done. I don't know of the strain or flowering period though, so I cant comment to much. Have you started a flush yet? looks like shes using up whats left and/or deficiency.


Active Member
That looks DANK! What is the recommended flower period? I agree with lambofgod either close to done or a deficiency.


no idea what the recommended period is. nobody seems to know the strain. got them as clone jan 16. so it's been over 115 days. flowering since march 10. i vegged a little longer than i should (54 days) but i had no idea what i was doing! most have yellow leaves and "seem" like they are done. i'm going to attempt to harvest a few of them and see what happens. does this sound like a good idea??? just by looking at them, as a novice grower, they do seem done.


Well-Known Member
You should get yourself one of those pocket microscopes from amazon. thats where i got mine, havent tested it on any dank, but the power on it is pretty good for being 14 bucks.


sounds good boys and girls. thanks for the advice. i'll get a 30x microscope to take a look. as i said, this is my very first grow and i did read everything i could, ended up doing things a little wishy washy :) but it seemed to work. not sure i will yield a great deal, but for my first grow, who cares, right.
i'll post some results soon.