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  1. nickg


    Trace amounts of cocaine found in UK Water supply wonder if it's affects cannabis growth :hump:
  2. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    Sound, good luck my friend :bigjoint:
  3. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    If your grow room or tent is near a window you could run some ducting from the window blowing the cold air on your lights a mate of mine had this set up and he never had a heat issue
  4. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    I keep the temps around 25-27ºc
  5. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    Ye the problem has gone n my ladies are looking fine 8-) I just got the temps lower..... problem solved
  6. nickg

    My first grow !

    Cheers pal I'll try, do you think they look big enough for there age?
  7. nickg

    My first grow !

    Hi im pretty new to the site and I just wanted to post a thread on my first indoor big bang grow there's two of the ladies, 3 week old atm I wanna know what you guys think im using canna terra vega, canna CANNAZYM and superthrive there under 250w(actual) 6400k cfl. Thanks.
  8. nickg

    Plant stretch need help/advice

    Thanks for the input, I was given these to try rescue them off a first time grower I didn't ask what lights he's using. I'll just Burry the fuckers in some buckets see how the ladies react Cheers lads Live n learn:bigjoint:
  9. nickg

    Plant stretch need help/advice

    So I have been asked to help someone out with there plants stretchin I have replanted a few but there's some that are that stretched that I just don't know what I could do are they save-able? ?
  10. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    Thanks everyone I'll get the temps down and see how they react :weed:
  11. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    There 8 and half inches from the tops of the plants and temps are round 31-33ºc
  12. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    105W (525W equivalent) Continuous Light Bulb, ok thanks alot I'll keep an eye on my temps
  13. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    8 and half inches I am usint 2 x 105w cfls
  14. nickg

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    Hi My plants are big bang, 9 days old from first popping thru the soil they seemed to be growing fine but a few days ago the leaves started cupping badly and i have no idea why and i have never seen it before. I need some help in fixing the problem any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance
  15. nickg

    How much light cfl do i need for 2 plants??HELP PLZ!

    Not sure if that is enough or whatever but I have 2 plants under 2 105w cfl and there nice healthy growing strong
  16. nickg

    First cfl BigBang indoor grow
  17. nickg

    First cfl BigBang indoor grow

    My first big bang grow with cfl lights
  18. nickg

    Welcome New Members!

    hey on my first plant ere but im only feedin it water nd dont know when to start with the fertiliser, can someone give me an idea of the best time to do this thanks in advance :mrgreen:
  19. nickg

    Welcome New Members!

    :hump: :hump: my little lady at a week old, what does everyone think ?
  20. nickg

    Welcome New Members!

    hi this is my first grow just growin 1 plant at first see how she goes, iv got her under 1 45w 2700k, 1 45w 6400k both over the top of the plant and 2 15w 2700k under all cfl . its only 1 week old is this good idea and is that enough light ?????