Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help


Hi My plants are big bang, 9 days old from first popping thru the soil they seemed to be growing fine but a few days ago the leaves started cupping badly and i have no idea why and i have never seen it before. I need some help in fixing the problem any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance



105W (525W equivalent) Continuous Light Bulb, ok thanks alot I'll keep an eye on my temps


Well-Known Member
yeah could be Heat?

How close is your Light, what Temps are you getting in GR?



Well-Known Member
In my own experience, not only will hi temps/too intense light cause that, but your humidity being too low will, too. Combine low humidity with hi temps, definitely will taco your leaves!


Just wondered if you solved you leaves problem?
I currently have the same problem with one of my plants?
Do you try raising your light up slightly?
Ye the problem has gone n my ladies are looking fine 8-) I just got the temps lower..... problem solved


If your grow room or tent is near a window you could run some ducting from the window blowing the cold air on your lights a mate of mine had this set up and he never had a heat issue


If your grow room or tent is near a window you could run some ducting from the window blowing the cold air on your lights a mate of mine had this set up and he never had a heat issue
Yep am getting things in control just about am under 30c now and plants are perking up even the canoe leaves one.
I do have a window right next to grow tent, so am considering an inline fan/ducting from the window.
I've also raised my lights a fair amount and I think that has made a difference.


Yep am getting things in control just about am under 30c now and plants are perking up even the canoe leaves one.
I do have a window right next to grow tent, so am considering an inline fan/ducting from the window.
I've also raised my lights a fair amount and I think that has made a difference.
Sound, good luck my friend :bigjoint: