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  1. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

  2. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    the other one got perky then drooped again now i think it might be perkin again. fuck so many more hours untill its seroquel (tryin to take as prescribed)
  3. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    okay heres my first girl shes looking okay
  4. J

    hey guys how can you tell if weed is laced?

    niga u just prolly smoked sum good dope either that or its a duster might of smoked some pcp niga ull be fine either way its just drugs
  5. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    fyi for everyone im just a broke mother fucker with a broken down car got four dollars to his name can't get a ride anywhere , mentally ill cant get a job and i just need to smoke bud by any means..anyway i can get the job done
  6. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    its pretty shocked
  7. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    the plant in the second the second thumbnail is drooping do you think its dead?
  8. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    ive been using miracle grow with water i have to have something to smoke i have no money and no car all i have is cfls some unknown potting soil and miracle grow all purpose.
  9. J

    Just transplanted not looking so good...

    yea idk what kind of soil im just afraid they are going to die. from the transplant,,i didnt water after. ill tone down the lights fuck i hope they don't die. but they were root bound in their cups im sure
  10. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    its scary transplanting like a fish out of water
  11. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    yea i just transplanted one of them to a pot its still a small pot though but i think itll be happier that dude just put me down man oh well i moved it and it still standing so i guess its alright ill post a pic later or something
  12. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    ok im abandoning this grow journal thing bad idea i guess. i bet i get atleast 7 0r ten grams from one of these which all i ask for
  13. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    dude im just doing my thing are you out of dope or something because i was a big bad grower like yourself i would just smoke and keep my mouth shut
  14. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    so whats going to happen to my "plants"?
  15. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    like dude im not going to watch that fucking twat. people flower in party cups all the time i researched and made sure it was possible. yea the plant has deficiency yea the bud is not going to be that great yea the yield is going to be tiny like bitch i already know that shit
  16. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    wooowwww good one bitch you don't know the first thing about what it is to smoke dope. ur just a fucking queer with a hobby u fucking bitch. weakest shit i ever read. if i knew you i would rob your faggot ass at gunpoint and take your fucking plants. and pistol whip your little bitch ass for crying
  17. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    they can finish out in the cup dipshit. its possible shit doesnt have to be perfect. why the fuck are you posting in this i was posting this shit thinking nobody was going to be posting in it. dude youre just being a bitch because your bored.
  18. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    bitch i didnt ask shit from you fucking faggot
  19. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    I'll have new pics when I get out of the shower.