1st Grow Bagseed.

I have two plants here. They're about 4 weeks in vegetative stage. Both are showing preflower and look to be female. This I am excited about.DSC00012.JPGDSC00014.JPG
they can finish out in the cup dipshit. its possible shit doesnt have to be perfect. why the fuck are you posting in this i was posting this shit thinking nobody was going to be posting in it. dude youre just being a bitch because your bored.


Well-Known Member
bitch i didnt ask shit from you fucking faggot
And before you go around sending PM's like::

Learning How To Roll
Learning How To Roll
Join Date
Mar 2011
dont fuck with me dude

make sure you dont have plants that look like yours.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and all I said was, "you gotta be kidding me", which was true, I believed someone was just playing around joking that they were REALLY going to flower in party cups.... then you start acting like a troll. you PM me talking shit, you call me a faggot, this and that, though all I said was "you gotta be kidding me".

It's unfortunate that you are too hard headed and ignorant to realize your not going to get anything off those plants. And the way you respond... cmon man':wall::wall::wall::wall:
wooowwww good one bitch you don't know the first thing about what it is to smoke dope. ur just a fucking queer with a hobby u fucking bitch. weakest shit i ever read. if i knew you i would rob your faggot ass at gunpoint and take your fucking plants. and pistol whip your little bitch ass for crying


Well-Known Member
wooowwww good one bitch you don't know the first thing about what it is to smoke dope. ur just a fucking queer with a hobby u fucking bitch. weakest shit i ever read. if i knew you i would rob your faggot ass at gunpoint and take your fucking plants. and pistol whip your little bitch ass for crying
like dude im not going to watch that fucking twat. people flower in party cups all the time i researched and made sure it was possible. yea the plant has deficiency yea the bud is not going to be that great yea the yield is going to be tiny like bitch i already know that shit
dude im just doing my thing are you out of dope or something because i was a big bad grower like yourself i would just smoke and keep my mouth shut
ok im abandoning this grow journal thing bad idea i guess. i bet i get atleast 7 0r ten grams from one of these which all i ask for


Well-Known Member
dude im just doing my thing are you out of dope or something because i was a big bad grower like yourself i would just smoke and keep my mouth shut
In actuality, you aren't seeing that if you PM me calling me a faggot, call me names and insult me on your thread, and act like a complete fool, I am going to respond and defend myself, and in this case, make you look like the ignorant troll you are.

my one comment "you gotta be kidding me" , is what started this.. and your way of disputing something is by name calling & talking shit. If you would have re-worded your thread like "I have these plants that need help, who can help me", then my response would have been to help you get your plants healthy.
But instead your ignorant ass thinks your gonna make this grow worthwhile, your not gonna get shit dude, I swear on anything, those plants cannot finish in those cups.

Anyways, this is my last post, GL to you, hopefully you prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Johndoe, u gotta put them in bigger pots bro. U need to give the roots some room or else they'll rot. U got a nice looking plant. Spend 15 bucks on a bigger pot and some soil.
yea i just transplanted one of them to a pot its still a small pot though but i think itll be happier that dude just put me down man oh well i moved it and it still standing so i guess its alright ill post a pic later or something