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  1. D

    vegging/cloning question...

    Well not exactly. I left some branch in hopes it would come back. I left about a half inch of shoot still attached to the main stem. I waited till they were fairly large to cut them. I didnt cut all the way down to the main stem. Will this grow back? it appears to me that it already has started...
  2. D

    vegging/cloning question...

    sorry i should have been more specific. The cuttings i gathered were not of the main stem but of the smaller branches near the nodes. Im using this as a mother plant. so now that ive taken most of the smaller branches off, im left with a tall main stem with nothing but fan leaves. What i was...
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    vegging/cloning question...

    Hello all! I just recently took about 6 clippings from my bubblegum. She is about 1 foot tall. i have not topped her yet. my questions are... - now that i have taken these clippings, do i need to wait a little while before i top her? My goal is to make those secondary branches to come out...
  4. D

    Need indoor help plz!

    Hey all! im currently in my first round of flowering EVER and have some concerns/questions. First... here is my setup... Room: Small Closet. 5ft high; 4ft deep; 5ft long. 2 sliding doors.. Light: 1000 watt HPS Strain: Bag seed Nutes: Floranova Bloom; Cal-Mag plus Soil: FFOF The...
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    De-Leafing during fowering...

    As i begin to pull off dying leaves and what not, i wonder if i need to be pulling off the fan leaves as well? thx all!
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    1600watt Feminized Cheisel, Vanilla Kush, Super Skunk, Strawberry D-lite, GigaBud ! !

    ive read a few logs where in the user tried out jacks classic with great results. I will also be trying it my next round. if you get to use it first plz share the results. It would be awesome to have great results with such a cheap and simple package! And good luck on your current op! lookin...
  7. D

    When can i...

    they love it surprisingly! i have a few blooming in there right now as well so when the 12/12 switches to darkness i put the new borns back under the floro for the night. just picked up some flora nova. this will be my first attempt at using nutes, so wish me luck haha!!!
  8. D

    When can i...

    ok awesome, i threw them under my 1k watt light today. i use filtered water using my brita haha. is that ok or do i still need to get a PH tester? i suppose ill need one eventually once i start nutes anyways rite? thanks guys!
  9. D

    When can i...

    put my new babies under my 1k grow lamp? ive got some 1 week old seedlings. looking pretty good so far. But they are under a floro light right now. I dont want to hurt them. Also when can i feed them some nutes and what do you recommend? im running Ocean forest soil. got a 1k watt grow lamp...
  10. D

    What should i be feeding....

    What if i were to use Kellogs organic soil, and use jacks classic all purpose for veg. would that be suitable enough? i have to decided to take these as far as i can and get clones off of them. I will sex the clones.
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    What should i be feeding....

    correct i have not sexed them. Can i throw them back into veg after i discover what sex they are? at what point can i shove them into the 12/12 lighting to discover sex?
  12. D

    What should i be feeding....

    sorry i opened the flood gates for the flaming haha. yes im talking about the plants. I want to know my options from here on out. If i go new soil and add my nutes on my own, where do i start? if i go with a soil that wont need nutes till flowering, what are my options? if there is a sticky on...
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    What should i be feeding....

    the babies at 2 weeks? ive got them going in miracle grow seedling soil and they ook very strong as of now. ill have to transplant in the next few days or so. So my question is... what kind of nuts should i be giving them? any root enhancers? move to a new soil? thanks all!!
  14. D

    1st time grower!!!

    Keep the light on them 24 hours. Don't flood them every day. Plants are all different. Some may take a while some may not. It's all genetics.