vegging/cloning question...


Hello all! I just recently took about 6 clippings from my bubblegum. She is about 1 foot tall. i have not topped her yet. my questions are...

- now that i have taken these clippings, do i need to wait a little while before i top her? My goal is to make those secondary branches to come out hard and fast so that i can take more clones.

- How far down can i top her if she is just over 1 foot tall? I dont want to stunt it too bad.



Active Member
if your gonna make a cutting of the top, yes, but cutting the top is nasty, you can bend it to get the same results.
there can't be much plant left, six cuttings already?


Well-Known Member
once you took the cuttings i found it best to wait a week or so before any more but like gb said i would just supercrop the top


sorry i should have been more specific. The cuttings i gathered were not of the main stem but of the smaller branches near the nodes. Im using this as a mother plant. so now that ive taken most of the smaller branches off, im left with a tall main stem with nothing but fan leaves. What i was wondering is can i chop the main stem back down to like 6-8 inches tall and let it re-veg from there?


Well-Known Member
You would be better off waiting two weeks then top her.
Yes you can go down as far as you like but I would leave at least three sets of branches.

Oh, wait, you took the whole branch? wrong.
you are suppose to let the branch grow out and just cut the top after the first new grow shoot.
That leaves the branch. You took everything? Toss it and start again with a new clone.


Well not exactly. I left some branch in hopes it would come back. I left about a half inch of shoot still attached to the main stem. I waited till they were fairly large to cut them. I didnt cut all the way down to the main stem. Will this grow back? it appears to me that it already has started to but it may just be my imagination?


Active Member
it's new to me too, but it will grow back, you did take the whole branch? if not cut the old branch back to the stock, i'd let it grow some before you top it, might kill it.