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  1. G

    Weak drooping branches

    NICE blackberry bush! Lol Blackberries be where the real honey at ;)
  2. G

    Weak drooping branches

    NOTE If that big, droopy bastard in the middle is smelling terrible, I'm going to advise saving yourself the time & worry of trying to nurse it. Chop him down & share the extra love with your other, healthier looking plants. It's what I do when I get a turd in the punch bowl & I never look back
  3. G

    Weak drooping branches

    Basically Bren, address both your lighting and resist watering for a little longer from now on & you got yourself some sweet ass, happy plants :joint: :)
  4. G

    Bodhi's SR71 PK x Appalachia, TGA's Chernobyl AND Outlaw's Double Purple Doja F3!

    Jesus, I can smell those purple buds from here. Good luck dude. Time to get yo' waiting game on. In the final week of 4 original hazes. Did not know how long they take to finish up before I got em. PRAYING it is worth the wait. How long do these purples take til harvest? They too tasty not...
  5. G

    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Please, take a hit, and stop using the term "stupid". It makes you sound stupid. As do your arguments.. 1) Everyone may perceive colours slightly differently, but we all know that colours are there. 2) Believing that the sky is orange is known as a bizarre-delusion. You would be diagnosed...
  6. G

    Weak drooping branches

    Yo, 2500 ish lumens is not going to surfice for plants of that size. I run 16000 lumens/ sq ft & often think that I could use more. You may have reached the point where the plants require more light to take growth further. Hence, the drooping leaves. Whether you water it enough or too...
  7. G

    Poll : Will you vote for legalizing for just the people this time and not business?

    Can you Americans please force the UK to jump on to your wonderful new, hazy, hazy, dream boat of relaxed smoke laws? HOW DID YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN?! Or is it that your government just couldn't resist thinking of the revenues from pot? The laws only get tougher here. :wall: Sorry to...
  8. G

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    yeah that's haze for ya
  9. G

    "Extinction Threat to Religions" Hope for the World yet?

    I don't want to come across as a moron, but this post makes me go... WOO! :hug: YAY-AH! More needs to be invested in bringing about the age of logic and worldwide humanism. ONLY THEN can we all be at peace and progress together. Religion has held us back WAY too long. Peace :joint:
  10. G

    Hydroponics Evil?

    There is no "evil" here:fire: Your seeds only grew because you brought them to life. Soil or hydro, as long as they look happy, they are happy. Though there is something nice about using soil, going organic n that. Or maybe that's called smug. Whatever, peace out :joint:
  11. G

    If atheist don't have Faith, how do They buy Faith n Evolution???

    P.S. You can find the answer to this in my post on your other thread, tastefully entitled "Athiest FAIL" :clap: Once again, I feel the need to teach you: "Science" is not a BELIEF. It is proven facts, and theories being put through their paces to tell if they are facts. Science is trying to...
  12. G

    If atheist don't have Faith, how do They buy Faith n Evolution???

    ROTFLMFAO !!!!! Even the title of this made me crease. I think you've had enough mate.
  13. G

    Atheist Evolution FAIL

    Hello. 1. Please explain to me how Evolution is ideological... ???? This vexes me to the point of imploding. It is NOT ideological in the slightest. Go study. (as apposed to religions all over the world, which are based ENTIRELY on ideology. FACT.) 2. Science is not static. It is ever...
  14. G

    super silver haze flowering time?

    If you're eager to harvest, then do it. It'll be tasty as it is. Super hazes are normally designed to take less time than pure haze, like 9/ 10 weeks. Depends if you know you're exact strain. Haze takes 12 - 14!