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  1. Redpowder

    plant looking small indoor/outdoor

    Oh, sorry I forgot to mentioned its 1weeks old. 3/12 3/13 3/15
  2. Redpowder

    plant looking small indoor/outdoor

    Hey guys, This is my second time growing and the first went really well not sure if it was just luck or I Really did understand everything I read l. Anyways this grow is going in a different direction. I have done everything the same good lighting (4500 lumas ) plus a grow lamp I got from...
  3. Redpowder

    Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help

    Thanks, I was thinking that myself but then I second guessed myself by lookin how green it is.... In pic i have seen of Nutz Stunting the leafs look brown. Mine are very green
  4. Redpowder

    Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help

    Thanks All I guess its just a waiting game lol.. I just wanna be like yall Pro's whats the saying Hmm? I got Wine taste on a beer budget?
  5. Redpowder

    Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help

    Sorry for the late response been busy... They have been OUTSIDE all there life except for 2days when it Rained very heavy.. Avg. Temp is around 72*
  6. Redpowder

    Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help

    Can anybody help?
  7. Redpowder

    First Outdoor Grow: Ireland

    yep :) happy growing...
  8. Redpowder

    Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help

    So my plants are around about 3weeks and I have been conpairing them to other peoples journals and my plants look very small.. They have been out in the sun for the last 3weeks I have just put them indoors for the next couple of days because its going to rain and No Sun! I'm using self...
  9. Redpowder

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Nice lol Figured it would be around there.
  10. Redpowder

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE If you don't ever post a thing again after this please just post a picture of the electrical bill... its gotta be like $2000 a month... GREAT GROW BRW
  11. Redpowder

    First Outdoor Grow: Ireland

    Water them every 4 to 6 days... just stick your finger in the Soil and if it seems damp or moist leave it for another day... seen as you was saying it isn't very hot and not alot of sun there you should not after water much. Just do like i said and stick you finger in the soil if its...
  12. Redpowder

    Indoors and Outdoors!

    O sweet thanks man.
  13. Redpowder

    Indoors and Outdoors!

    Im a first time grower and I am wondering if it would effect my plant at all if I have them Outdoors all day and In a closet All Night with a Light? Please help, Thank you
  14. Redpowder

    How am I doing?

    Do they look small to you.??. I have been reading many PDFs, Forums and shit and everybody else look much bigger at 2 weeks.
  15. Redpowder

    How am I doing?

  16. Redpowder

    How am I doing?

    Set Up! MG Soil Tap Water Skunk Seeds Sun Light I am wondering how I'm doing I'm a first time grower and I would like some Advise, Tips, or Tricks from the pro's. Smoke Up!:bigjoint:Thank you,