How am I doing?


Set Up!

  1. MG Soil
  2. Tap Water
  3. Skunk Seeds
  4. Sun Light
I am wondering how I'm doing I'm a first time grower and I would like some Advise, Tips, or Tricks from the pro's. Smoke Up!:bigjoint:Thank you,


King Tut
Looking good so far. No MG soil for seedlings generally though. It tends to burn most strains. i use a seed starter mix and then transfer or feed as needed.

My first grow was ALL MG and turned out better than oany other crop. But i can't claim nutes b/c of other issues.

The MG soil also has time-release nutes that feed every time you water so it is impossible to get a good indoor flush with it imho.


Do they look small to you.??. I have been reading many PDFs, Forums and shit and everybody else look much bigger at 2 weeks.


King Tut
They look normal to me. Based on 2 weeks from the time you germed them. The first few weeks are important b/c that is when your roots develop and w/o good roots you can't get a good plant. MJ grows in cycles or spurts in my experience. First 2-3 weeks, root growth. Next 2-4 weeks, veg growth. Switch to flower, 2-4 weeks of stretch and then maturity.


King Tut
No prob. That's why i joined in the first place. To learn. i have learned a lot and have more to learn. i'm on grow #5. You aren't yet. So i share my experiences and let you judge. There IS no 1 right way to grow cannabis. If someone tells you theirs is the only way, listen to their experience, but take it with a grain of salt.

NO single right answers in this game in my experience.