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  1. R

    Are these holes bugs????

    well today when i got home i looked at her again and found no new holes. then i started looking for some bugs and found nothing. any chance it was because they got to close to the light??
  2. R

    Are these holes bugs????

    hello all, well when i got home today from work i looked at my plant and found these holes in the top sections of my plant, anyone have any ideas as to what it can be??? also this is my second grow and i decided to grow scrog and was just...
  3. R

    How Do She Look?

    update day 6 flower: i think its a girl there are only very little hairs on the stem but the main cola looks to be starting. i also did the last of the lst today.
  4. R

    lst during flower?

    i currently have a plant that i just switched to 12-12 (3 days ago) to flower. i was wondering if i can still lst the plant or should i just leave it now that its on 12-12?
  5. R

    How Do She Look?

    update time day 27. i think she looks good. how much bigger do u guys think it will get when i decide to flower? my box is only 2 feet high and i have lights and fans at the top so i need to flower before it gets to big?
  6. R

    Help! My Plant is Dying

    yee we need pics. but if it is in soil then just add some soil around the stem until the dried area is under the soil. see what happens is that sometimes when u grow in soil the soil is lower around the stem and this will create an area for the water to sit and rot the stem.
  7. R

    How Do She Look?

    thanks guys good to hear
  8. R

    How Do She Look?

    days 23 update: how much light u guys think i need i have 1 42 watt and 2 15 watt cfls right now is that good for now and i was planing 3 42 watt cfls for flower
  9. R

    How Do She Look?

    well here is a up date day 18. and would anyone no y the first few leafs that sprout out are always purple (but turn back to green) but the leaf stems will stay purple?? could it just be because it is a purple pheno? and would anyone no if there is a way to no if it is a sativa or indica?? is...
  10. R

    Leaves Problem- 2 Weeks Old

    sounds to me like over watering i water my plant about a cup every 3-4 days. as for the temp they don't seem high my plant right now is about 90-100f and it just lovers the heat.
  11. R

    How Do She Look?

    o hope its a girl to i don't have a clue on the strain i have had these seeds for years now and i got them from a friend that had no clue what your where lol. but the one my friend grow ended up with purplish buds. the soil i found in my garage it was pretty old but thats all i had.
  12. R

    How Do She Look?

    this is my second grow and was just wondering how does my plant look. i just started the lst last night. the picks are day 15 veg obviously lol
  13. R

    Damaged Plants: How Long Until I Know If They Will Die?

    post some pics man best my for ppl to help
  14. R

    Powdery Mildew at Harvest!

    post some pics of the buds.
  15. R

    Problems in Growing White Widows - about 12 Days since Germination Process Began

    i am no expert but to me i would say that your light is to high and the plants are growing to tall.try to drop the light as close as u can(a good way to see if your lights are to close is to put your hand between your plant and light for 5 mins and if your hand gets to hot then its to hot for...