Are these holes bugs????


hello all,

well when i got home today from work i looked at my plant and found these holes in the top sections of my plant, anyone have any ideas as to what it can be???

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also this is my second grow and i decided to grow scrog and was just wonder what u guys think of her so far and when should i switch my lights 12/12, not to sure how much i should let it grow. i no that i have to keep bending the stems just not sure when enough is enough .

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Well-Known Member
Sure does look like something has been eating you plant, you can switch to 12/12 anytime you want, it all depends on how big you want your plant to grow or quantity, the more the growth the more the harvest.


well today when i got home i looked at her again and found no new holes. then i started looking for some bugs and found nothing. any chance it was because they got to close to the light??

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I've had holes and damage that looked like that from fan/wind damage. But be vigilant looking for bugs.

Is that 32% humidity I see? Get that up ASAP.

Being you are doing scrog you should switch to 12/12 when you get the amount sites you want above the screen, fill it up as much as you can but don't let them get too far past the screen before flip.