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  1. I

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Good to know, thanks! I am having second thoughts anyways, after reading of laws and such, I doubt I would ever get caught but it is a risk. And sadly (stupidly) in the eyes of the law, 100 small plants is a far more serious offense then a few large ones, even if they both yield the same amount...
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    It would be fascinating to visit all the growers in jail and ask "what happened?"

    So many people are locked up for growing pot. In my mind everyone gets caught made a mistake somewhere, and a few just flat out unlucky. I would think some major causes of being busted are (a) not dealing with smell (b) telling people, being known as "mass grower guy", then someone gets...
  3. I

    Electrical Question For Cottage Grow

    I hope they're letting you do this? You arent just going to break into someones cottage and grow pot it in are you? First of all, electrical bill alone will set them off and they'll call the company who will call the police.
  4. I

    Electrical Question For Cottage Grow

    Probably not enough from 1 bedroom. I'm no master electrician but I think you'd probably need to add a circuit to the room, but it depends whats already existing. A typical circuit I believe (15 amp) could safely handle about 1000-1300 watts before you really start pushing its limits. Some...
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    My dumb question of the day

    Lol I had another crazy stoned idea. What if you first vented the cab/tent into a closed rubbermaid stuffed with frozen watterbottles to cool the air and create condensation, then further vented that air into an open rubbermaid which collected condensation and released the (now cooler) air...
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    My dumb question of the day

    Yeah I figured if anything, exhaust would be up high, rubbermaid would be down low. Lid would be off because you cant just close the lid and force constant air into it..eventually the pressure will blow the lid off or force air back up through the exhaust. But it honestly sounds like this plan...
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    What Lights Should I Get For Indoor Growrroom?

    I think if you got a full room to work with I'd go with the 1000w, that said 600s are nice too. Yields depend on so many factors its hard to say. Some people say aim for .7g/watt so assuming that, you'd get 420g off the 600 (lol) and 700 off the 1000w. Some people say .5g/w it really depends on...
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    Quieting An Inline Fan

    Fan controller, duct of setup might help too you may be able to build some type of box, or rubberized thing to mount it on
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    My dumb question of the day

    yeah true. what if you worked threw frozen waterbottles in it 2-3-4 times a day? trying to keep the water temp colder then the exhaust temp. also would this add to moisture in the air or remove it? ie: you have hot moist air in the cab, you vent it out into cold water. when the bubbles pop...
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    My dumb question of the day

    My dumb question of the day....what happens if you exhaust your hot air into a rubbermaid container filled with water? I honestly should have payed attention in grade 9 science, I know, I'm sorry. But treat my stupidity with kindness :dunce:
  11. I

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    So do you think its just not a viable idea? Which part specifically I'm curious about. Plants veg/clone fine in shelf lit T5 systems. I think its easy to get the proximity of the bulbs to plants dialed down easily through flowering. I'm not sure what part you guys think isn't viable about it...
  12. I

    What Lights Should I Get For Indoor Growrroom?

    oh hey, i didnt realize you were in the market for a house. in that case yeah sounds reasonable. I'd run an extra 20 amp circuit to the room to power the 1000w, yeah a 15 is enough but if you are running a new circuit anyways 12 guage wire isnt that much more expensive then 15 so might as well...
  13. I

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    I know they are used for cloning, I am talking about flowering a sea of green with them though. Nice to see support for T5 users in a T5 Why are they "not a good platform", its not hard to stick planks of wood under your try and raise/lower it as needed. The idea is using vertical...
  14. I

    What Lights Should I Get For Indoor Growrroom?

    I'd use T5 for veg, a smaller light like a 250 or 400 for flowering, then an AC unit to keep temps ideal. You need to consider room size, how big you want to grow plants, temps you want to keep them at, there are so many factors. I'd run a seperate veg and flower chamber though, by the time...
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    Design Opinions

    I've seen these clamp lights at the hardware store, they even have a reflector (I dont know how effective it is) but you can position them any which way you need. You'd just need to build some mini shelf or something to mount all the clamps on. Other thing is they're a wee bit expensive if...
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    Apartment electrical questions

    Do you think every building has them, even old ones? I know for a fact my building uses aluminum wiring and is quite old. Is it almost certain they use sub-meters anyways? Also whats your thoughts on that aluminum wiring anyways, it makes me a little nervous doing anything. Then again I bet...
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    Portable AC questions...

    I hear split ACs are hard to install and you should really get a licensed person to do it (HVAC?). If you own the place and have ducting through the house already might as well just go central air.
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    Apartment electrical questions

    Damn I dont like that. Just more reason for me to move out, I'd rather pay my electrical bill directly to the electrical company instead of my landlord eyeing the bill, noticing our unit significantly higher then the rest and raising red flags. I think you are right, they probably install...
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    Portable AC questions...

    Got a nice setup dude, should work good for you. As far as which unit I'd read reviews, theres alot of pieces of sh*t out there, even some with big price tags. I'd also buy it from a big retail store if possible and get very clear information on their returns/exchange policy just in case it...
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    Apartment electrical questions

    My apartment has electricity included. Thats a pretty common thing around here, you just pay rent on the apartment, they pay the hot water bills, electricity, etc.. (we pay our own cable/internet though). Our apartment has 5-6 circuits and a small old school panel (those round 15a fuses instead...