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  1. R

    For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...

    No shit Bush spent to much but Obama is taking it to a whole new level. Blame Bush isn’t going to get Obama re elected. So keep harping on Bush like he’s the one running the country in the ground today. So how much money should we spend? How far in debt do you want to go...
  2. R

    For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...

    You focus on one thing I have to say and ignore all others. Why? I’m guessing because you don’t know how to have an adult conversation. Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot? Why don’t you actually say something intelligent for a change instead of playing your...
  3. R

    Judge rules Govt can Regulate Mental Activity- Where is this going?

    Don't you guys get the lefties know what America deserves and they are going to make damn sure the county gets it. Even if they have to use the governments gun to make you do it. Today they make you buy health insurance tomorrow it's brown shirts and government motors cars. Oh and they...
  4. R

    Playstation Network is Back!

    Yea xbox live kicks ass. How is the ps network? I haven't about heard too much about it. Do you experience a lot of lag? How about cheaters? Do people get a host advantage over you, it happens in some xbox games. Just curious man xbox live is the whole reason I switched to xbox systems, well...
  5. R

    What are the Pro's and Con's to Topping?

    I just cut the whole thing. In my experience a large portion of the plant needs to be removed at one time to experience stress from pruning, like when I lollipop them. You should look into LST(low stress training) to really increase the size of your yield. It goes hand in hand with topping.
  6. R


    It's looking real good man. Is the brown just at the tips or spread throughout? It's hard to tell in the photos. It looks like the tips or some of the leaves curl just a little. If that is the only spot that's brown it's probably a little nute burn. Nothing to worry about just keep an eye on...
  7. R

    Fucking Bastards

    Millions of people have died protecting unions? I thought they were supposed to prevent deaths, well unless you stand against one then they’ll crack your head. My interest and a union’s are completely different. They don’t have the interest of the working person in mind, the...
  8. R

    Fucking Bastards

    Typical union bullshit. One day unions will go the way of the dinosaur and there is no amount of government involvement that can change that. Well unless the democrats make it illegal to not be in a union. They think the government has the power to make you buy health care so who knows why...
  9. R

    Trim Lower Branches?

    Use the search bar on this site to search for: LST(low stress training), topping, super cropping, or SCROG (screen of green). I’ve used LST for years and will help increase your yield by a lot. Just started a SCROG grow so I can’t say much about it yet. Although it’s looking...