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  1. monsterballs

    Wire my inline duct fan

    hI GUYS . NEW INLINE DUCT FAN AND CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO WIRE IT . i have read the threads explaining but stil cant do it. 1. can i wier streight to mains plugsocket 2. find above a diagram of my fan wiring at the back of the fan the L,N and SL are labeled and looks as tho thats where...
  2. monsterballs

    Need help choosing exaust

    Purchased one off a well known auction site erlier. I went with a 6inch, not got a speed setting tho. However it does have a thermostat
  3. monsterballs

    Need help choosing exaust

    sorry 84 degrees farenheight. Wat do u think to the one in th link? sufficent?
  4. monsterballs

    Need help choosing exaust

    Basically im trying to find the right exaust fan for my room that will keep it at ample temps. ATM its a big high. 28-29 degrees. tent is 90x90x160 , i have one fan circulating air inside and 2 small PC fans as intake.. Not sure if any1 will beable to help me on this , as idont want to buy...
  5. monsterballs

    Very effective Home made extractor

    lol i do need to get it fully closed asap tho. As my ladies have B.O and smell gurrrd
  6. monsterballs

    Maxi G.O.M couple of questions

    Hi fellas . Here's my question. Next grow im starting soon, flood and drain system. (ebb n flow) Grow tent is 90x90x180. Now , after a lot of thought im going to go with MAXI G.O.M auto's . purely for their mass yield. First question ... If my flood table is 90 x 90, do you think 2 Maxi's...
  7. monsterballs

    Very effective Home made extractor

    very happy with it, when i close the tent fully the temps get a bit high so i will need a new extractor , But i cnt see much harm leaving the top zips open (top of the door)
  8. monsterballs

    Very effective Home made extractor

    So, over the weekend my extractor TT fan packed up, and as the room is 90x90x180 under a 600att light the temps will sky rocket without a extractor. So this is what i did... 1. Used a old 2 gallon pot. turned it upside down, and cut a 4inch hole for the ducting, 2. I had a 6inch osolator far...
  9. monsterballs


    now even im not that dumb lol
  10. monsterballs


    No I didn't like the 'popping noise' either. Its fine in the wall socket. Musta been the extension , can't think why, maybe the initial serge of power that is sent to th ballast. Anyway, on the same circuit, (same room) there is one extension from one socket with 3 fans plugged in. And now I...
  11. monsterballs


    :( shit man i know
  12. monsterballs


    yes , i did some reserch and 13amp extension is ample for up to 2400 watt . so it cant be a problem there. im going to try bypassing the extension (plug my ballast straight into the wall as you said) If this does work, im gunna have to extend the lead on my ballast as there are no wall sockets...
  13. monsterballs


    really need some help ! Last nytt I switched my 250watt ballast to a 600wwatt. I had the 250 plugged into a 13amp extension cable from a mains wall socket. In that extension are ... 2 desk fans. And one extractor fan. As soon as I plugged the ballast in, there was a bang from the ballest...
  14. monsterballs


    Desprately need some help ! Last nytt I switched my 250watt ballast to a 600wwatt. I had the 250 plugged into a 13amp extension cable from a mains wall socket. In that extension are ... 2 desk fans. And one extractor fan. As soon as I plugged the ballast in, there was a bang from the...
  15. monsterballs

    Fudged Up with My Timer

    my thoughts exactly , i dont wna be messin my timer up again lol .
  16. monsterballs

    Ebb n Flow/Flood n Drain System

    Ive been planning exactly what you said ... sticking with 4-5 SOG, then 1 month in plant another 4-5 depending on space, Thx for reply bbyy PEACE One problem tho, as its gunna be a ebb and flo. with 1 resivour, surely the strengh of the nutes will differ depending on how old they are. The...
  17. monsterballs

    Fudged Up with My Timer

    Currently flowering my girl, and my timer must be fudged up. its been in flower 2 weeks now and had it on a contactor timer. Not really a big concern but it's worth asking ... Since day 1 ... my timer is set up correct but ive monitored it over the last few days and it goes like this.... 12...
  18. monsterballs

    Ebb n Flow/Flood n Drain System

    imn thinking something alsong the lines of 50cm ish
  19. monsterballs

    How Many Auto's?

    hi guys , got 1 more lady to flower (soil) and then its hydro all the way from here out , Going to go with the Ebb n Flow flood system as easily enough to be made, i was just wondering... My grow tent is 90cm x 90cm x 160cm high if say i get a 90 x 90 flood try or what ever i can fit in ...
  20. monsterballs

    Ebb n Flow/Flood n Drain System

    hi guys , got 1 more lady to flower (soil) and then its hydro all the way from here out , Going to go with the Ebb n Flow flood system as easily enough to be made, i was just wondering... My grow tent is 90cm x 90cm x 160cm high if say i get a 90 x 90 flood try or what ever i can fit in...