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  1. D

    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    Thanks Dude, Spraying is worth a try. So you used 3% peroxide and 97% water? or...
  2. D

    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    Great Bill, Look forward to your report. What procedure did you use. I've seen the Cervantes video and it looks pretty simple, especially when done on a smaller scale. And thanks for the words Bull.
  3. D

    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    A related question... On an aeroponic system (no standing solution in the root zone), how long of a flush period is needed?
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    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    Interesting. I'm definately seeing amber heads on a few (10%?) trichomes. I'm less sure about clear vs cloudy. Are you saying that once, you start to see amber heads, it will be time to chop? And thanks for those super quick responses!!
  5. D

    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    Hey all, Thanks for the variety of opinions... I'll use a scope to check the trichs. Is everyone agreed on the 70%+ cloudy, some amber, and zero to very few clear trichomes? Regarding the powdery mildew... Yes, there is some on some of the nearby leaves. But what there is, is for the most...
  6. D

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks Legal. It will be good to get the TR out in order to give the WHite Russian a little more light and CO2.
  7. D

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    OK, I made a new thread before I saw this one, so I'll repost here... This is my first grow, so I'm not sure how close I am to the optimal chop date. This grow has been fanatically detailed in my journal. But the basics are as follows: Cabinet Grow 394 watts of CFL lighting (23-42 watt...
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    Is My Train Wreck Ready?

    Hail all, This is my first grow, so I'm not sure how close I am to the optimal chop date. This grow has been fanatically detailed in my journal. But the basics are as follows: Cabinet Grow 394 watts of CFL lighting (23-42 watt lamps) Aeroponic (semi) GH 3 part, plus CalMag and Hydroplex...
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    CFL Light Fixture Plans

    Thanks Silver. Was wondering if anyone was reading...
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    CFL Light Fixture Plans

    Hey, Check this out. I originally designed this fixture to provide evenly distributed light for a SCROG or SOG cabinet. But my inexperience at SCROGing has resulted in the tallest stalks on my current grow to be concentrated along the front and back of the cabinet, and not feeling the full...
  11. D

    CFL Light Fixture Plans

    Hey Guys, Been using the light fixture detailed above for 43 days now. It's working great!!! Please stop by and check my grow journal. The cabinet I'm using has several invoative features that are worth a look. And there are plenty of photos and plans. Let me know what ya think.
  12. D

    Does pH matter when Water contains no Nutrients (1st week after x-planing clones)

    Thanks Harry, The RO water is reading 20 ppm on my .7 meter, and comes it at about 7.2 pH before treatement. If I do a combo of RO and tap (300 ppm at 8 pH) until I start adding the nutrients, should I still try to get the pH down below 7?
  13. D

    Does pH matter when Water contains no Nutrients (1st week after x-planing clones)

    Last week I transplanted two clones into my aeroponic (stick Buddy) system. My RO water has a pH of 7.2. Thinking that nutrient uptake is best at 5.8 pH, I added gh-brand pH Down, and have been chasing 5.8 like the 48 car's been chasing the Cup (with similar results). But is the water's pH...
  14. D

    CFL Light Fixture Plans

    Thanks for d'kind words all.
  15. D

    CFL Light Fixture Plans

    The following are the plans, photos, and some tips for building a simple 240-288 watt CFL light fixture. This fixture is relatively inexpensive and is extremely easy to put together. It’s well suited for an LST, Scrog or SOG-style grow cabinet, since the light will be spread evenly over all your...
  16. D

    Nutrient Levels with CFLs

    Cacamal, Thank for the tip about Urban Grower. I'll check it out. But I'll stick with GH, or anyone other than AN. Don't like the fact that they own a glossy magazine that only pimps their nutrients and supplements. Plus, pricing at my local store for the two companies' products is similar.
  17. D

    Nutrient Levels with CFLs

    Hail all, My CFL Cabinet is finally ready to accept plants. I’ve ordered two clones from a local dealer/dispensary. Delivery of one Blue Dream clone and a DJ Shorts Blueberry clone is scheduled for next Tuesday. Both are hybrids, one at each end of the spectrum. My box is 20” x 30” with just...
  18. D

    Many Small vs. a few Large CFLs?

    OK, to end the shit fight, let me say I've purchased my lights, and am not currently soliciting more suggestions. Not that I know very much at all. It's just that at this point I got what I got, and have not the dough to buy more. So this is what I've learned about CFLs... CFLs in the 23-42...
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    CFLs: Vertical or Horizontally Mounted?

    thanks for the input guys. very helpful.
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    CFLs: Vertical or Horizontally Mounted?

    bordor, That was my thinking. I'm wondering if people have tried this and decided it was not as efficient as hanging the lights vertically so that they could light the sides of the buds like...