Is My Train Wreck Ready?


Well-Known Member
I used a 2 gallon bucket of water with 4 oz 3% peroxide, rinsed for about 90 seconds. I could see the PM floating off the bud and leaves. Placed in front of a fan and only took about an hour to dry to trimmable status.
Regarding the powdery mildew... Yes, there is some on some of the nearby leaves. But what there is, is for the most part, dead, as a result of Serenade applications. At least that's what I'm hoping. If it looks like there’s any on the buds at harvest, I may try the H2O2 bath method. Anyone tried this, or can you suggest an alternative?
Just watched a Jorge Cervantes video where he does the peroxide bath to get rid of powdery mildew. It's available to watch on his youtube channel. But in the past when I have had powdery mildew the solution has been to spray with a 3% peroxide/water spray just a few days before harvest. And then spray the buds anywhere you see pm once you harvest the buds, in lieu of a full bath.