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  1. danksy

    5 leaf hands or 3 leaf hands

    Good Day RIU! I'm having issues in veg stage. I took cuts off a plant on week 1 of flowering and stuck them in an EZ cloner. After the clones started to root, I then planted them straight into soil. After about 2 weeks, some plants grew between 6" - 12", but had 3 hand leafs, instead of the...
  2. danksy

    Me Ken's Ganddaddy Purple Grow Journal

    Is that a myth? Some people say its based on strain genetics, some say it works well with lowered temps @ around 62 F? I don't understand how the chlorophyll pigments can turn purple, if it can't synthesize in its normal temp. The plant would basically pause in developing because its too cold...
  3. danksy

    Me Ken's Ganddaddy Purple Grow Journal

    Nice! Do you think if you grow it at the right environment at all times, the bud will come out to be at least 90% purple? I've seen Ken Estes' GDP in person, and that thing was almost 100%! I'm curious how they make it extra purple with the strain itself. -Danks
  4. danksy

    Ventilation Spores

    ^^ Mucho thanks man, you're a life saver.
  5. danksy

    Sealed Co2 Rooms

    Finally, replies! Well, I figured out that it's okay to use co2 during veg. photosynthesis is photosynthesis. The h20 you put into the plant, is the o2 it uses @ night. Its better to use a compressed co2, rather than a generator, because it produces waay too much heat and rH (saves you $)...
  6. danksy

    Post-Harvest Cleaning/Sanitizing

    ^ hahah, thanks!
  7. danksy

    Post-Harvest Cleaning/Sanitizing

    Good Evening RIU, This might sound kinda stupid as you read this, lol.. but it's something I'm really curious about. I had mold and mites on my past yield and I'm interested on what's an effective way to make the room bacteria and pest free. 1. I submerge all my pots in bleach (4 hours)...
  8. danksy

    Sealed Co2 Rooms

    Hi RIU, I've been doing a lot of reading on co2 grow rooms, but I still have some questions that I don't seem to understand. These questions might sound a little stupid, but I'm really clueless! Is it possible to have a sealed Veg room with only co2 running in it? I know plants need o2 at...
  9. danksy

    Ventilation Spores

    Good Day RIU! It seems as though every one of my yields had some sort of mold, mildew, or mites on my buds- and its hurting my overall yields. I use a ventilation system, and I believe spores (mold,mildew) is coming through the vent. I'm thinking about putting a HEPA filter for my intake, but I...
  10. danksy

    Veg Mutations

    ^ do you think it was because of my lighting?
  11. danksy

    Veg Mutations

    ^ Lol, I'm surprised no one on RIU knows what the problem is. This must be a first in "Marijuana Plant Problems" haha More Info: Cuttings were taken 1.5 weeks into flowering (pre-flowering) Cuttings went straight into soil (no rockwool) They were placed under 24...
  12. danksy

    Veg Mutations

    ^ I took these cuttings during 1.5 weeks into flowering. Once they started rooting, I transplanted into soil under constant lighting. Do you think it got confused under wattage, or that I took the cuttings too late into flowering?
  13. danksy

    Veg Mutations

    It used to look something like this at first , but then it started turning into "spinach" from top down.
  14. danksy

    Veg Mutations

    Good Afternoon RIU! These plants were placed under 12 hours of 1k hps, and then 12 hours of 300w led. My theory is that the plants got shocked during the changes in light because there wasn't enough watts to stimulate growth phase. I don't know if they'll recover to normalcy, any ideas...
  15. danksy

    Mixing Lights

    Is it okay to mix lights? example: 12 hours of HPS and then 4 hours of L.E.D. or CFL? I was wondering if the plant would react differently (like continue 12/12) because the rest of the 4 hours of lighting may not be strong enough. Thanks, Danksy
  16. danksy

    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    ^^ Do you know if they root as fast as rockwool?
  17. danksy

    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    ^^^ Its from an Easy Bubbler cloner, it roots hydroponically. So I have the option of putting it into a soil medium or rockwool ;-)
  18. danksy

    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    Wow, this sounds kinda tricky. I normally water only after transplanting with rockwool, this time it seems like I'm gonna have to feed first. I think I'm just gonna do 1/4 nute strength feed for soil transplant. I think adding b-52 or more supplements would over supplement it, no?
  19. danksy

    Tranplanting rooted clones in Soil or Rockwool

    Good day people! I was wondering if it would be much of a time saver to transplant a rooted clone straight into soil, rather than putting it into rockwool and then transplant. It wouldn't have to go through the pH fluxes with rockwool, and I imagine it would transplant faster into soil because...
  20. danksy

    Flora Nova Series

    900? 1400?