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  1. S

    Stunted growth, Help diagnose !

    I reckon that the symptoms are the same as the ones caused by broad mites. But i have searched every inch of my plants with a scope and took lots of high res photos and i did not found any signs of mites...
  2. S

    Stunted growth, Help diagnose !

    im sure its not mites. could overwater have this effects?
  3. S

    Stunted growth, Help diagnose !

    This is not my first grow with the same setup (organic) but this time almost all the plants are stunned and the new leaves are not looking good at all. I would like some advice about whats happening, if some one knows or have seen something like it.
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    Trichome zoom. Harvest time? (vanilla kush)

    Would you harvest this vanilla kush or wait a few more days?
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    Please help!!! WhiteKush, 35 days into flowering, looking bad, need help!!!

    I am using all bio and organic stuff. Should i try to give it a high dose of nutes?, not beeing affraid of a nute burn? Because I think she has several nute defs. Or maybe its the ph, she wants it different but i dont know if its up or down..
  6. S

    Please help!!! WhiteKush, 35 days into flowering, looking bad, need help!!!

    15L pot, biohorticulture growing medium with mixed perlite. temp- 20ºc by day, 16ºc at night. PH- dont know the exact value but im pretty sure it is between 6 and 7. Watering every 3 days, more or less. Adding nutes once per week - 2ml/L of GuanokalongBloom 2-5-6. I have one HeavyBud from...
  7. S

    Please help!!! WhiteKush, 35 days into flowering, looking bad, need help!!!

    It all started in the fan leaves, but soon it got to the upper leaves. Im kind of noob diagnosing problems, please give it a look. I have already flushed it and gave it a flower nut 2-5-6, and no improvals. But I really dont know what im dealing with here.
  8. S

    Help diagnosing this deficiency

    These leaf spots appeared on my BigBud. Im thinking about a K problem. what do you think?