Please help!!! WhiteKush, 35 days into flowering, looking bad, need help!!!

15L pot, biohorticulture growing medium with mixed perlite. temp- 20ºc by day, 16ºc at night. PH- dont know the exact value but im pretty sure it is between 6 and 7. Watering every 3 days, more or less. Adding nutes once per week - 2ml/L of GuanokalongBloom 2-5-6. I have one HeavyBud from the same breeder, growing at the same time in the same environment, same schedule and everything, she is healthy and flowering really good. So, I have no clue on whats happening with the WK.


Well-Known Member
I'd start by checking ph runoff always good to start with. It looks like your getting def on nitrogen in one of the pics. You also know it's a mobile deficiency because you said it started low and progressed upward. Kind of looks like phosphorus def in one of the pics as well.
I am using all bio and organic stuff. Should i try to give it a high dose of nutes?, not beeing affraid of a nute burn? Because I think she has several nute defs. Or maybe its the ph, she wants it different but i dont know if its up or down..