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  1. M

    First Grow...First Harvest...Weed Sucks! WHY?

    Thanks, yes it is drying in the dark...I'm wondering if it's just the weed too, I have some of the same seeds left but didn't know if its worth trying again this time adding a bunch of nutes or just investing in some decent clones. Thank you for the input!
  2. M

    First Grow...First Harvest...Weed Sucks! WHY?

    So I just harvested my first ever grow, I did this on a limited budget so I used a standard soil, no nutes while veging except a little nitrogen here and there, was able to pickup some "Big Bloom" about half way through the flowering stage and used it the last 4 weeks. The plants did well...
  3. M

    Soil turned to Mud...Please Help!

    Thanks everyone! I'll transplant today into a better soil mix...
  4. M

    Soil turned to Mud...Please Help!

    Sooo I think I might have made a big mistake with my plants, I transplanted about 12 plants into 3 gal pots over the weekend and picked up just some simple plain potting soil with no additives or perlite. The other stuff I was using seemed to stay too moist and not drain well, so dumb noobie I...
  5. M

    Container Size

    Thank you! I do have some 3 gallon buckets but I was hoping to save on the soil for another transplant if I can and size IS an issue, these are inside and the ceiling is only so high, I do not want or need 8’ tall plants, so maybe I'll try and keep them in what their in or put the bigger...
  6. M

    Container Size

    Hey everyone, I’m on my first grow, we’ve pretty much been winging it but so far so good, we’ve got 5 plants that we’re ready to start flowering, their in 10” pots that we just transplanted into a week ago, we went from seedling to 6” to 10” and thought it would be big enough, but one of the...
  7. M

    Let's Talk Ballasts

    interesting thread...but...I'm still not sure which ballast to go with :) Can you even purchase the magnetic ones now? Everything I see is electronic/digital.
  8. M

    250W or 400W HPS?

    I have no idea how to cool it, except a fan blowing in the room and basic exhaust (bathroom) fan in the ceiling?
  9. M

    250W or 400W HPS?

    ok, the more I look into it the 400 is only $20 more so might as well go with that one, I just don't want it to get too hot in there!
  10. M

    250W or 400W HPS?

    My soon to be flowering room is 3’x3’x6’tall, currently vegging with a ton of CFL’s and instead of buying all new bulbs to Flower thinking I’ll go with an HPS, cash is sparse so I’d like to keep it as simple and cheap as possible, would a 250W HPS do the job? Would like to flower about 4-6...
  11. M

    Material for blocking light to flower?

    Awesome! Thank you!
  12. M

    Material for blocking light to flower?

    Hi, I’m ready to start flowering half my crop so I need to split my grow space so I can keep the other side vegging and am looking for some ideas on what I could/should use to block the doorway opening from light for the 12hr dark? I was originally thinking of hanging some type of tarp with...
  13. M

    Still confused on CFL Wattage?

    Thank you!
  14. M

    Still confused on CFL Wattage?

    So I read all the stickys, learned a ton about CFL’s but am still confused on which wattage to use for flowing. I know it needs to be 2700k but what wattage? I’m looking on a recommend site that has 200 different bulbs all 2700k but varying wattage from 3 Watt to 42 Watt also priced from...
  15. M

    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Thank you for the input! I love the analogy too, it makes since…I’ll try to not stress about it so much and let the plants tell me what they need :)
  16. M

    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Is it necessary to get this technical with nutes/ph? I’m on week 4 of my first grow, I’m using a general supermarket brand plant food that says it’s safe to use with every watering, I have it pre-mixed in a milk jug and that’s what I use when I water. I haven’t...