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  1. Chongalotte

    First Grow - Bagseed - Setup as I Go Along - 250w CFL -

    No hood on the light yet but they're still small enough to get really close to it so no stretching :lol: :
  2. Chongalotte

    First Grow - Bagseed - Setup as I Go Along - 250w CFL -

    Planted into larger pots around 7 days ago. The two larger look to be doing well: For the past week the two smaller plants' leaves were curling down - I'd been watering them as much as when they were in the tubes but the pots hold water much better, they were being drowned. Laid off the water...
  3. Chongalotte

    First Grow - Bagseed - Setup as I Go Along - 250w CFL -

    Hi All. This is my first grow from some really old bagseed, I'm talking about 4 years old. The seeds haven't been looked after properly (just been floating around the tin in a small baggy, no efforts made to keep them dry or dark!) and I've not got a complete setup. So, the idea of this grow is...