First Grow - Bagseed - Setup as I Go Along - 250w CFL -


Hi All.

This is my first grow from some really old bagseed, I'm talking about 4 years old. The seeds haven't been looked after properly (just been floating around the tin in a small baggy, no efforts made to keep them dry or dark!) and I've not got a complete setup. So, the idea of this grow is to use it as a learning experience and a way to gradually improve my setup so when these are done I'll have something worthy to grow some decent seeds in!

I'll be adding to and improving the setup throughout the grow (On a strict budget) so any advice on cheapo ways to do this are welcome.

At present the setup is one 250w, 6400k CFL and one 27w, 2500k pizza CFL with no reflectors (ideas for homemade reflectors anyone?) and a fan. I'll be getting a hand me down HPS for flowering too.

I started the seeds germinating about 10 days ago using the paper towel method in an airing cupboard, they were kept damp but only 4/10 sprouted - I'm putting this down to the crappy seeds. After germinating they were put in half loo roll tubes filled with garden centre potting compost on th windowsill for a few days until the light arrived.

The setup (Ignore the tomatoes, they'll be going outside soon!):


Here are the pictures of the plants today, two seem to be doing OK and the other two look to be struggling a bit:





Planted into larger pots around 7 days ago.

The two larger look to be doing well:

For the past week the two smaller plants' leaves were curling down - I'd been watering them as much as when they were in the tubes but the pots hold water much better, they were being drowned. Laid off the water for a couple of days and their leaves have stopped curling down but look a little damaged.

I'm also doing a CFL/HID grow. I'll be having about 700w of actual CFLs (not their conversion wattage) and a 250w MH/HPS. As of right now, I've got 20 1/2 gallon sprouts under 3 LED panels, and will move them under a 125w CFL after about a month to veg for another month. Then, I'll put the best looking plants into 10 5-gallon pots under the 700w/250w fixture and veg them for another month, so three total months veg. I'll put them into flowering after that and chop the males. I'll be keeping the other 10 pots that weren't transplanted under the 125w while the others are vegging under the 950w and move any females over once I determine sex as I want a sensi crop.

So were in the same boat, hopefully we can work together on this =). I like your journal so far, I'll be sure to stay updated. As for your reflectors, line a trash can lid with tin foil, or use 12oz soda cans.

How long do you plan on vegging?