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  1. F

    Are they ready?

    hey guys, so my ladies have been in 12/12 from seed. and i havent been keeping track of how long they have been in the grow box. Just took some pics and i wanted to know what you guys think. im wondering if they are ready
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    So They started buddding...

    Everything looks good to me. i was just wondering if i should trim anything? they have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks. and the yellow tips on the leaves is something that happened a long time ago. i noticed you can kinda see it on one of the pics.
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    how tall?

    how tall does the plant have to be before it buds? reason im asking is ive seen people grow in a pc growbox and i dont understand how they stop it from growing taller then the box? two of my plants are starting to have yellow tips and spots. I think its because they are to close to the light...
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    nutes/yellow leaves

    it said to give it 1/4 tea spoon... and i gave it way less then that. she's like three inches tall. Its her second set of leaves and now its just a shriveled dry leaf.. the rest of it looks good tho. maybe its too much light? i duno.
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    nutes/yellow leaves

    when your plants get nute damage is it overnight? or can it start to happen 3-4 days later? is 20-20-20 nutes no good? i only fed it... like less then 1/4 of what was perscribed on the box. my little girl is hurtin and i dont know what to do. iknow it could be a million things....
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    Humidity Dome

    wow thanks dude! +rep yeah ive been misting my baby everyday! wich i hear is bad not to soke the soil but it feels so damn dry!!! and only hafter a few hours! i duno! i am using 2 100w clfs atm. oh and another thing, i herd NOT to mist while the lights are on? they might explode? lol is this...
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    Humidity Dome

    fuck i feel dumb lol
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    Humidity Dome

    so. just spray some mist in the bag and place it on top?
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    Humidity Dome

    is it worth putting a HD around my newly planted seedling? my gorw box has 0% humidity i notice some farmers putting a plastic bag over the cup.
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    Few Questions

    awesome thanks guys!! my plant hasnt even broken the soil yet. the soil is just potting soil for now. container is tiny for now.
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    Few Questions

    also, i find my soil seems to dry out fast any ideas?
  12. F

    Few Questions

    what does a high/low setting mean on a thermometer? if i set it to high it gives me a higher reading and if i set it to low it gives me a lower reading lol. which one do i stick with? also, i have some seeds that are green and not germinating, i hear this is because they are not mature. what...