Few Questions


what does a high/low setting mean on a thermometer? if i set it to high it gives me a higher reading and if i set it to low it gives me a lower reading lol. which one do i stick with? also, i have some seeds that are green and not germinating, i hear this is because they are not mature. what exactly do i do to mature them? just let them sit in a bag untill they are brownish? also, what temp should my ladies be when in 12/12 at night? my problem is when leaving my lights off and vent system on, it cools off way to much.

any ideas/answers would be awesome! thanks


if it gets to cold when your venting by a timer and vent in cycles .. most theromters will show you how cold your room got ..and the hottest your room got you sould be able to click it to show your current temp..hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Green seeds are immature because they did not develop fully. You can't make them good.

Next time, pinch a seed in your fingers. If it cracks apart, it is immature.

Cannabis likes a 10 degree difference in daytime/night temps.


ps - how big are our plants, how big are the containers, and what type of soil?


awesome thanks guys!! my plant hasnt even broken the soil yet. the soil is just potting soil for now. container is tiny for now.