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  1. M

    Some Pics of my girls. purple kush, afghan kush.

    Hey, been a good while since i made an update on my greenhouse grow so here are some pics from today. its week the end of week 5 for my purple kush, and they have been great so far! sadly only end of week 2 for the aghans, which by the way are huge! and hard to deal with now since they've...
  2. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    Is it weird to jus me that they havent started yet??
  3. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    Well check this out. Its afghan kush so its indica dominit but its growing like a sativa! Kinda strange. Most of my afghans as u can see in the pics are gonna out grow my greenhouse! ;)
  4. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    Thats jus my guess, jus from looking at them I can see they still have a little veg left in em. So yea im thinkin 1 1/2 - 2 weeks, which kinda worries me about a way late n cold harvest
  5. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    Hey thx!, I like to sit out back take solar rips and let some classic rock play loud for em;) ha
  6. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    No input anyone?
  7. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    also is it bad that my afghan arent going to be flowering for another 2 weeks??? cause that means a november harvest!!!??? wtf??
  8. M

    getting crowded! BUDS EVERYWHERE!

    hey everyone! hope everyone from the pacific northwest got to enjoy hempfest in seattle this last weekend!:leaf: anyways just wanted to do an update on my greenhouse girls. they are getting huge and crowded! some of my afghan kush are 6ft tall now and still in veg for another 2 weeks id say. my...
  9. M

    day 1 flower purple kush, day 76 veg afghan kush.

    are you saying 1.5 lbs per plant? and yea the space sucks. i didnt plan on sticking them in the ground in the beginning but they got rootbound in my 5 gallon pots to quick so i dug holes and layed them in with the bottoms cut off. and the greenhouse is only15'-7'-7' so there really wasnt to much...
  10. M

    flowering question.

    any help??
  11. M

    flowering question.

    ok so half my crop just went into flower and the other half still has about a week. i have an outdoor greenhouse. with my 400w mh in there also. so the question is should i keep the 400w in there all the way through harvest or should i let the sun take over for flower?
  12. M

    Best & safest Pesticide to use During Flowering????

    get some ladybugs. theyll do the job for ya :)
  13. M

    Possible to be allowed more than fifteen?

    ok so check this out everyone. i am a wa state patient, the other day i went into my local dispensary and ask him how i would go about setting up a grow to supply the dispensary. the owner than went to the back of the office and came back with a binder. he opened it and showed me a paper that...
  14. M

    day 1 flower purple kush, day 76 veg afghan kush.

    ok so today is the offical day 1 of flower for my purple kush plants and they are lookin beautiful. these pics are from two days ago but ill be putting up some from today later. anyways. the green house was getting quite packed as you can see so i went through with bamboo and bent my afghans a...
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    Ok so I have an outdoor greenhouse grow. And I usually always leave the top on it but today its beautiful so I pulled the top and most of my plants seemed shocked, layin down, I watered 2 days ago a gallon, and theyre jus drying out, wat do you guys think? Jus the direct sun??
  16. M

    day 58 veg. purple kush, afghan kush.

    here they are. i trimmed them a lil bit about 3 days ago and there back to being bushes. ha theres no room in my green house! haha when they bud its going to be crzzy!! anyways!:eyesmoke:
  17. M

    how long does kush take in vegitation behing grown outdoor in ontario?

    a main cola is the bigger fatter branches of your plant that have alot of branching of them. If you top your plants youll get 2 main colas, but if you fimm your plants than they will have 4 main colas. Ive fimmed/supercropped/lst/stair cased pruned. Ive done alot to my plants and they are...
  18. M

    how long does kush take in vegitation behing grown outdoor in ontario?

    It will trick ur plant into thinking its been topped, exposing lower nodes makin them main colas. But wat u do is go between about the 3rd an 4th node, and in the middle twist the stem between your finger tip till u feel it loosen up inside, than bend the top of the cola down towards the soil...
  19. M

    how long does kush take in vegitation behing grown outdoor in ontario?

    i start doing it about 3 weeks in veg. and all the way up to about a week before flower.