flowering question.


Active Member
ok so half my crop just went into flower and the other half still has about a week. i have an outdoor greenhouse. with my 400w mh in there also. so the question is should i keep the 400w in there all the way through harvest or should i let the sun take over for flower?


Active Member
there is no better light source than the sun, but letting the sun do your flowering requires taking control out of your hands. i personally like telling my plants when to wake and sleep. was your intention to have an outdoor grow?
hoenhiem is right i thinkyou need to make a choice if you want control keep them on 400 if you dont want the hassle let nature take its course.........


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a waste of electricity personally. What are you to gain by burning a 400watt bulb outdoors? Good luck dirrtyd
I would love to use the sun! Only if the sun cycle fits in with your current lighting schedule though without to much interruption! ...it would also depend on how dark the dark period would be if you handed over to nature? Control is good though, pros and cons

If the sun cycle allowed, I would def use the sun when possible. Be good to see a comparison journal.