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  1. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    Okay, dropped off 5 onyxs and 2 none autos to the spot tonight, was perfect conditions without no pure sun just drizzly and dull for the next few days. Lemon haze and The unknown is in ground with pots with 4/5 inches of medium underneath the pot so the roots can grow out of the pot in time...
  2. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    5rd July Day 5 - Seedling First true leafs are in now with the 3 leafers coming in minuet size tho, also transplanted into a bigger pot due to roots appearing on day 4. Also 5onyxs and 2none autos will be going outside aswel, 5onyxs 8wks old 2none autos 57 days old Enjoy..
  3. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 57 7 Lowryders chopped. Wet weight 83g Got to take the 5 onyxs & 2 none autos outside tomorrow night for reasons i can not say.... outdoor grow it is.... Reason why we had to chop the lows a bit early only a week
  4. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    Went out and about today... Things still in progress tho.
  5. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    3rd July Day 2 - 12hrs Seedling She looks so cute. Next update Day 5 Hope to speak soon... Spikeweed
  6. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 55 (Looking lovely) 8 more days for the first harvest run.. Can't wait..:weed: Pictures for you all:fire:
  7. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 52 (Had heat problems for few days, but temps are steady now) The Bunch Side View Small Fat Nug Onyx Tall Onyx Tall Lowryder Tall Lowryder Twin On Day 63 the 5 small lowryders will be finished and be placed in a dark cupboard for 36/48hrs then they'll be ready for the fan leaf...
  8. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    29th June Germination Completed Finally germination completed with success of 1 seed haha... Now she's in a small seedling pot with some canna coco medium and a lovely blue 85w cfl 2/3inches away from her 24hrs straight.. Will let you guys know how she's doing in the next few days.:leaf...
  9. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 51 (Ozone Generator) Had to buy something to get rid of the strong flowering smell as we have an open tent and no carbon filter etc etc so it reeks all over the place! it's such a strong skunky smell from the 5lows that are 2wks away from harvest:-P Speak soon peepz
  10. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 50 - (transplant went well on Day 48 ) Quick update with pics only very busy... speak through the week rollitup:weed: 5 Lowryders on top will be harvested at around Day 56/Day 63
  11. S

    ak-47 is getting tall ...... to tall... help with cloneing

    You could just lst her... Bend her over "all the side branches and the top" and tie them down... hopefully you can take off a bit of height... Then watch her grow.. Good Luck
  12. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    Got a journal? and thanks for subbing, still got few weeks before they go out... so be patient lol.. Went to 2 spots today to prepare the areas.. they look nice but i gotta go back with a, -shovel -snips -canna coco medium -netting -string -rods I'll be taken before and after shots when i'm...
  13. S

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    First for all..:clap: 24th June Germinating 5 unknown strain "same seeds/strain, but have no idea what they were called from a friend, could also be female or male" 26th June Going to check the spot out "to locate/prepare 2 small areas, dig ground around 4inches deep so the pots can sit in...
  14. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Bought seven 6-1/2ltr pots to transplant either today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed hope all goes well for me ;) I'm guessing my other pots were 3ltrs Next Update on Monday
  15. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Thanks Kriznarf, I'm really trying my best on this 1 now... going to transplant into bigger pots on Saturday 5 onyx's & 2 none autos... 2 sativa lowryders i just don't wanna risk shocking them so i'm not bothering with the transplant for them.. The onyx's are showing root bound problems already...
  16. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 46 :leaf: SpikeWeed
  17. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Anyone interested, i know its a journal but some feed back would be nice especially now that I've corrected lots of problems... I think their looking 60% better...
  18. S

    True Beginner / Poor Man's Grow

    Nice cindy o_O can i ask where you bought the seeds for Cinderella? Great 1'st harvest looks lovely, My grow is here had problems from day1 to day 25 humidity problems 20% haha, sorted now though... Good luck with...
  19. S

    3000 watt Hps Super Grow Gets Another 400w mh. Just for Fun

    Yo, Great budz man, This 1 rocks,
  20. S

    10x Lowryders 6x Onyx (24/7 400w Coco Auto Grow)

    Day 45 - (am lovin it..)