ak-47 is getting tall ...... to tall... help with cloneing

It has been 10 weeks from seed she is 3'4" in 4th week of flowering the top is about 3 in from the lite. I have moved it up and she will shoot up in one day but its like 90 deg up near the lite. But down farther its 75. I don't want her to burn. I put a fan pointing at the bulb but I don't know if is going to get taller cuz I have no more room to go up. What do I do? I have heard of starting 12/12 at 6" but not until recently and she was already about 2 1/2 feet when I started 12/12 so what can I do? Clone all the tops and still flower them ? Or will she stop going up and continue flowering ????????? Help this is my 1st grow with AK. My first grow was a dwarf.


It has been 10 weeks from seed she is 3'4" in 4th week of flowering the top is about 3 in from the lite. I have moved it up and she will shoot up in one day but its like 90 deg up near the lite. But down farther its 75. I don't want her to burn. I put a fan pointing at the bulb but I don't know if is going to get taller cuz I have no more room to go up. What do I do? I have heard of starting 12/12 at 6" but not until recently and she was already about 2 1/2 feet when I started 12/12 so what can I do? Clone all the tops and still flower them ? Or will she stop going up and continue flowering ????????? Help this is my 1st grow with AK. My first grow was a dwarf.
You could just lst her... Bend her over "all the side branches and the top" and tie them down... hopefully you can take off a bit of height...


Then watch her grow..
Good Luck


you can do a number of things put the light closer thy sound like thy need it, tie it down, supercrop or top em your pick


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do don't cut them off.
And another thing;
The further into flowering the harder it will be.
Eventually flower tops reach the senescense point, where there aren't enough existing hormones left to root or even survive.
But that would be another few weeks.