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  1. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    wel.... here it is. only a couple more weeks... took longer than i thought though. but this will be my first finish! whooot. too bad i fucked up a SHITLOAD. i'm surprised it didn't hermy. but it might've. and it's like completely tiny....
  2. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    GSP is good. I admit he's on the P4P list. But BJ Penn almost kicked his monkey ass fighting a weight class up with no conditioning. KID is unstoppable, and fought at 155, weighing a natural 135 lbs. It's an opinion... If i base things on statistics and accomplishments, Fedor is the godliest...
  3. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    yeah... probably my failed attempts are just bc i'm trying to do it inside my house stealthily, so i might just try an outdoor thing. Right now, everything seems completely fine though, so i'm just gonna try finishing at least this one grow. Out of the four attempts i've had though, i've made...
  4. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    I'm only using a CFL right now, 1.5~ inches above the plant. It covers the entire plant, but i know it's not enough light to make this lady huge-mongous. Temps are 73F with a fan blowing on the plant (GA weather sucks). I am going to buy the storage closet which has a volume of ~12 cubic feet. I...
  5. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    so.... anyone wanna say anything?
  6. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    Alright. It has been almost a month now since this plant has been growing. Looking over snowwhite's snow white grow journal, i'm at about where he was at, except a tiny bit smaller, but that's probably bc i'm a newb to this. It was at the 4th node, so i started to do LST training. I'm using...
  7. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    alright... i've just transplanted it into a 10 inch pot. Is that good enough until finish? Pics up tomorrrow....
  8. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    when should i start the LST? the third set of real leaves is comin out right now.... there's no space between the leaves though. all the sets of leaves barely apart from each other
  9. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    help! should i transplant yet and start the MH lighting?! or should i wait a bit!? also! the first set of true leaves is starting to curl! what should i do?!
  10. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    yeah... i'm just gonna let it chill right now. It's gonna go into the next and probably final pot (4 gallons) in a couple days as it finishes up the second set of true leaves. HAPPY 420:joint::mrgreen:!!! just gonna water it every 1.5 - 3 days while it's still in this cup cuz the cup ain't too...
  11. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    well then.... i guess i messed up on that fem'd thingie, cuz that's what i ordered!! :] i guess i can hope for the best and maybe get a little weed outta this. Right now, the little lady's just chillin under a CFL 24/7 with a small fan on it. Gonna wait til it gets the second set, or when you...
  12. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    alrights then. i just started one fem'd snow white, cuz only 1 germed out of 3 fuckin A. used the same paper towel method i always use, but i guess the seeds or somethin messed up. now i just put that one seed in a red cup thingie filled with ocean forest and a lil' perlite on top. unless my...
  13. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    so um... ocean forest all the way?
  14. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    Yeah. This is probably the last time I'm gonna grow pot in a while. Got the Fem'd Snow White from Nirvana. Got 4 2 gallon bags and some pots. Got the 400 watt HPS/MH light from HTGsupply. Got Foxfarm Ocean Forest. Gonna buy two 105CFM muffin fans so it blows >[]> in the box underneath the...
  15. H

    I really suck at growin pot

    I really do suck. I have yet to finish a grow journal for this site and so far my attempts for 08' are just kinda pathetic :cry: BUT. I'm just gonna completely copy SnowWhite's... snow white feminized journal. like everything. so yeah, maybe. just maybe... but first. Are this feminized? I paid...
  16. H

    Lowryder Mix - second try :]

    I really don't know what's going on. They look the exact SAME. idk.. i'm usin the lil' red cups as a starter til they get a lil' bigger... but it's been like one week, 3 days since sprout... and there's like the second set of true leaves STARTING. i mean... idk. is it me? temps with the MH/HPS...
  17. H

    Lowryder Mix - second try :]

    Mid grade as in like what? what kinda plant compared to it in taste and high (NL, skunk, etc). lol. I got a couple new pics i'm puttin up, but i had to use my laptop's webcam cuz my cameras still busted :evil:. Also, i just ordered an inline from HTG, so i'll probably put that up. right now the...
  18. H

    Lowryder Mix - second try :]

    where can i order one that's kinda cheap? i'm kinda broke from all the excessive money spendings...
  19. H

    Lowryder Mix - second try :]

    Ok. I took your advice and left a few damp clothes in there, so the humidity is around 50%ish. I got another problem though. The temperature of the HPS/MH is getting way too hot. It got up to 85 degrees F after 3 hours of the light being turned on, with two fans blowing. It doesn't feel that hot...
  20. H

    Lowryder Mix - second try :]

    seriously... nothin to say? i'm a little worried about the air and all that heatin stuff. how often should i open the closet for it to clear out the air? I got fans running the entire time the MH/HPS is on, and there's a one inch crack under the door lol. what else for me to do? temp is 75ish in...