I really suck at growin pot


Active Member
I really do suck. I have yet to finish a grow journal for this site and so far my attempts for 08' are just kinda pathetic :cry:

BUT. I'm just gonna completely copy SnowWhite's... snow white feminized journal. like everything. so yeah, maybe. just maybe... but first. Are this feminized? I paid the money for 5 feminized snow white, so just wondering if this is the right stuff here, if y'all bought there before...



Well-Known Member
I really do suck. I have yet to finish a grow journal for this site and so far my attempts for 08' are just kinda pathetic :cry:

BUT. I'm just gonna completely copy SnowWhite's... snow white feminized journal. like everything. so yeah, maybe. just maybe... but first. Are this feminized? I paid the money for 5 feminized snow white, so just wondering if this is the right stuff here, if y'all bought there before...
Just by the pic that you put up of your seeds would you be able to tell if they are feminized seeds... Just keep this in mind it might be easy to grow buddah but it's hard to grow good buddah.

Seems like this is going to be your 2nd or even 3rd attempt growing, and I'm going through my first one right now. Its a lot harder than I thought, a lot of things influence the way your plants will turn out. Don't use all of your seeds at once as you might run into problems and then you lose all of your expensive seeds.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Just by the pic that you put up of your seeds would you be able to tell if they are feminized seeds... Just keep this in mind it might be easy to grow buddah but it's hard to grow good buddah.

Seems like this is going to be your 2nd or even 3rd attempt growing, and I'm going through my first one right now. Its a lot harder than I thought, a lot of things influence the way your plants will turn out. Don't use all of your seeds at once as you might run into problems and then you lose all of your expensive seeds.

Good Luck!
Nah, it's not hard, it just takes some good genetics, and a little practice.


Active Member
Yeah. This is probably the last time I'm gonna grow pot in a while. Got the Fem'd Snow White from Nirvana. Got 4 2 gallon bags and some pots. Got the 400 watt HPS/MH light from HTGsupply. Got Foxfarm Ocean Forest. Gonna buy two 105CFM muffin fans so it blows >[]> in the box underneath the light. Gonna buy the 86 dollar pantry storage thing from HomeDepot. Some Mylar. and this should be all that I need cuz i got some indonesian bat guano nutes already for when i flower. Anything else you think I need? I got ph stuff and another fan for inside the box too. Is 2 105 CFM muffin fans placed like that gonna be enough to keep the temps down? or do i need an inline fan too? should i just get an 8 inch 500cfm inline fan to bring air out and one 105cfm muffin to bring air in? Cuz i want the temps and everything to be good this time around... i'm tired of screwin up. Will the plants be able to handle Ocean Forest and schultz perlite from seed? Or do i need to spend more $$ on soil... ANYTHING would be so nice right now. I just want to finish snow white and get some bomb ass exotic white widow like stuff.


Active Member
alrights then. i just started one fem'd snow white, cuz only 1 germed out of 3 fuckin A. used the same paper towel method i always use, but i guess the seeds or somethin messed up. now i just put that one seed in a red cup thingie filled with ocean forest and a lil' perlite on top. unless my second fuckup grow, i'm gonna transplant as soon as i see fit, cuz apparently last time the reason they died was bc of being root bound :[. got it under some 125watt CFL's, after the 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves, it's time for the MH. only gonna veg for 3-4 weeks, and then straight to flower.


Active Member
if its your firs grow dont use femmed seeds , femmed seeds are done my polinating a female with the male polen from a hermaphodite plant, it increses your chance of females but any undue stress and youll have yourself a hermie and thats no goods(unless you want to breed femmed seeds)


Active Member
like*8ball* said.. it'st not to grow fem seed's if you are new to growing... not being rude, but to many newbie mistake's will stress them and you will get hermi's... did you buy all fem seed's before? what setup are you using


Active Member
well then.... i guess i messed up on that fem'd thingie, cuz that's what i ordered!! :] i guess i can hope for the best and maybe get a little weed outta this. Right now, the little lady's just chillin under a CFL 24/7 with a small fan on it. Gonna wait til it gets the second set, or when you fellas think it's outgrown it's beginning container. I'm gonna do LST on this when the 3rd or 4th set comes up, and one i can transplant i'm gonna move it to a home depot closet thingie with a MH for veggin and HPS for flowerin. Gonna also get 2 115CFM inlines to suck out and pull in air so hopefully it wont get too hot. As for nutes, i'm just usin FoxFarms Ocean Forest all the way, so hopefully it won't need too many nutes, cuz i don't wanna use them. For flowering, i've got indonesian bat guano i'm gonna make a tea with. You guys think it's a good idea so far? Plant does look really small though.... since it's been like 4 days since the thingie came out the ground. picture is really blurry and i just checked it but i severely underwatered cuz i stuck my finger down the soil and it was bone dry and i might have just overwatered.... so now i'm kinda worried



Active Member
if you pot up on a regular basis. you shouldnt need all that nute stuff... soil should have enough nutes in it to keep it going till it's in it's last pot...


make sure your soil drains fast and drys in a few days & dont be affraid to water a lot .
i water 2 times a week and let them dry out alot if your soil does'nt drain you'll get a stunted plant.
also like joby said your soil has plenty of nutes for now let nature take its course
sometimes its better to leave your plant alone than to try to constantly ammend things


Active Member
yeah... i'm just gonna let it chill right now. It's gonna go into the next and probably final pot (4 gallons) in a couple days as it finishes up the second set of true leaves. HAPPY 420:joint::mrgreen:!!! just gonna water it every 1.5 - 3 days while it's still in this cup cuz the cup ain't too big. and as for nutes, i'm not gonna put anything in there, until flower. THANKS SO FAR FOR HELP FOLKS!


Active Member
help! should i transplant yet and start the MH lighting?! or should i wait a bit!?

also! the first set of true leaves is starting to curl! what should i do?!



Well-Known Member
Hold off on transplanting. If it is growing fine I would also stick with the floros just a bit longer. Maybe a week on both.

For the curling, can you get a better pic? You might try shooting through a magnifying glass if you have it. Curling down is a classic sign of overwatering, do you have holes in the bottom of those cups?


Active Member
when should i start the LST? the third set of real leaves is comin out right now.... there's no space between the leaves though. all the sets of leaves barely apart from each other


Well-Known Member
nothing much to add other than stressing any plant can create hermies. In fact my current grow was heat stressed and a plant grown from regular (but good quality) seed hermied and a feminized seed did not.

so now i guess regular seeds hermie easier? no - it is not statistically significant but fem seeds aren't that unstable.


Active Member
alright... i've just transplanted it into a 10 inch pot. Is that good enough until finish?

Pics up tomorrrow....